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change share language

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


I installed alfresco Community v5.1 on windows server 2012 r2.

I would like to know if there was a way to force the share elanguage to italian, i would like to keep the browser language set to english but have share be in italian.

I know that share takes the language from the HTTP request so i was wondering if there ws a way to override or change this request to have the desired language.

I found many questions about it and the answer for most of them was to change the file "" in tomcat/scripts or "web-client-config-custom.xml" but i don't have them.

I also read that it was possibile by using a proxy to change the language setting in the HTTP request but i would prefear to have it working without it.




Your browser tells Share which language to use.

Check this question :   to get more information.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

yeah i already read that, the problem is that for my company needs we have to keep the browser in english but my boss wants share in italian (no idea as to why) so i was wondering if there wa a way to achieve this.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

For me it would be ok to use a very destructive approach too, like deleting allthe alfresco languages apart from italian so that that one would be the only one posibile for the service to use. The only problem is that i don't know where the languages are stored (and if it's even possible to just remove them) otherwise i would've probably already done that.

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

If you must "enforce" a specific language for all users of your Alfresco application, I advise using a simle HTTP proxy server (e.g. Apache / Nginx) and simply overriding the Accept-Language header to always use a hard value. That way you don't have to change anything in the Alfresco application (message bundles are difficult to "remove" because they are nested in other JAR files) and can switch the behaviour transparently later on...

At least that is how I usually force the language if the customer requires it of me.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Is there a "cleaner" way to do so rather than create a proxy?

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

Other than changing the browser language? No. Everything else will require to hack something together in Alfresco code / configuration.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

If i can ask, how can i override the Accept-Language in nginx? I can't seem to make it work (everything else works, it's just the language change that doesn't)

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

In particular, when i try to login i get redirected to "<proxy ip>/share/page/dologin" with a message saying:

"Something's wrong with this page...

We may have hit an error or something might have been removed or deleted, so check that the URL is correct.

Alternatively you might not have permission to view the page (it could be on a private site) or there could have been an internal error. Try checking with your Alfresco administrator.

If you're trying to get to your home page and it's no longer available you should change it by clicking your name on the Alfresco toolbar."

and a button to return to the dashboard that results in a redirect to the login screen.

The message is in the language that i set in my nginx proxy so that works, i just can't fgure out how to make the login work (i tried on a clean install of Alfresco so i doubt it's something being moved or deleted, especially because everything works fine if iconnect directly without going through the proxy)

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

I just tried and the same happens if i input a wrong username/password combination, in addition i checked the nginx log and the POST request to the server when i press the login button returns 500 but i can't understand why since it works perfectly if i don't use te proxy