Apologies for this simple question, but I'm just starting to look at Activiti.
I'm using the Eclipse plugin to create my business processes and what I need to do is capture the process start/finish date and store them as a process variables.
Can someone point me in the right direction of how to do this in Eclipse? (use a script task?)
The process instance start date and completion date are stored automatically in the ACT_HI_PROCINST table and you can retrieve the values via the HistoryService.
If you want to store the start-date as a variable, you can do this by adding an ExecutionListener to the process (with accompanying Java-class) that writes the current time as a variable and the same can be done for the end of the process (event="end").
If it's not a hard requirement to store those as variables, you can use the Java-api to fetch the HistoricProcessInstance for the process and get the start and potential end-date.