I also see the third problem reported by ghernando above.
Maybe there's already a fix in the nightly build (I'm using a 3.3 community download from last week Friday), but I found that the following will fix it:
Lines 61 of alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\templates\webscripts\org\alfresco\slingshot\datalists\filters.lib.js
switch (String(filter.filterId))
case "recentlyAdded":
case "recentlyModified":
case "recentlyCreatedByMe":
case "recentlyModifiedByMe":
var onlySelf = (filter.indexOf("ByMe")) > 0 ? true : false,
dateField = (filter.indexOf("Created") > 0) ? "created" : "modified",
ownerField = (dateField == "created") ? "creator" : "modifier";
Change filter.indexOf() -> String(filter.filterId).indexOf()
Like this:
var onlySelf = (String(filter.filterId).indexOf("ByMe")) > 0 ? true : false,
dateField = (String(filter.filterId).indexOf("Created") > 0) ? "created" : "modified",
ownerField = (dateField == "created") ? "creator" : "modifier";