07-14-2014 04:45 PM
07-16-2014 04:30 AM
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="RepositoryLibrary"
<!– Root nodeRef or xpath expression for top-level folder. e.g. alfresco://user/home,
/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:site1 If using an xpath expression, ensure
it is properly ISO9075 encoded here. –>
<!– <root-node>alfresco://company/home</root-node> –>
<!– Whether the folder Tree component should enumerate child folders
or not. This is a relatively expensive operation, so should be set to "false"
for Repositories with broad folder structures. –>
<!– Optionally limit the number of folders shown in treeview throughout
Share. <maximum-folder-count>500</maximum-folder-count> –>
07-28-2014 10:58 AM
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