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Notificaciones por Sitio

Hola,Querría poder configurar que las notificaciones que se envían se pudieran configurar a nivel de Sitio. ¿Es esto posible?Gracias,

cval by Champ in-the-making
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Flow control and raising errors

Good day.I'd like to know the best practice in setting up the following workflow.I have a process with a start form.After the user submits the form and the process starts, I want to be able to check the input values and depending on some logic, raise...

maudrid by Champ on-the-rise
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Deploy static images

Hi,I'm trying to send an e-mail throughout Activiti and put my company's logo as an image, using HTML.I deployed a bar files which contains the BPMN processes in src/main/resources/diagrams and the logo in src/main/resources/images.Once deployed I ca...

Activiti Timer Execution

I have implemented a workflow which contains two timer boundary event attached on a user task. 1) One for email notification (say after 12 hours from the start of user task by configuring cancel Activity =false)2) One for Auto decision (say after 15 ...

Timer in standalone application

Hi,We are trying to create a standalone application in Java using Activiti APIs. We have been trying to add timer to execute a certain flow after the given time-out. But this is not working as per the expectation. Below is the sample code.<java>  pub...

sub-process diagram

My process is very complicated,the diagram can't display in whole screen.So I want to generate the current active  sub-process diagram.but class org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.diagram.ProcessDiagramGenerator don't support ,What should I do?

w775450 by Champ in-the-making
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