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add action

hello,how  can we add a new action?Thanks

mannou by Champ in-the-making
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Customizing the repository properties

Hi,I've got a strange problem.I've added a new *-context.xml to redefine the repository-properties bean.This one is similar to the custom-repository-context.xml.<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC '-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN' 'h...

jmliege by Champ in-the-making
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Create rule to move docs with specific author, How to?

I have a space structure as below.Company Home|–Documents|—-|–Author001|—-|–Author002|—-|–|—-|–|—-|–Author00NNow all my content files(PDF) are uploaded to the Documents space.I need to create a rule which reads the author name from the meta-data and ...

manmeet by Champ in-the-making
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How to know that the space has no child space ?

Hi,In browse.jsp, I put an evaluator for my test<a:booleanEvaluator value="#{BrowseBean.nodes == null}"><hutputText value="Hello"/></a:booleanEvaluator>But this has no effect. Can somebody show me how to know that the current space "has no "/has chil...

vpoorboy by Champ in-the-making
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Acegi + my own database users

Hi!,I'd like to configure Alfresco (Community Edition at this moment) to check user name and password from another database (legacy system)I can't find how I can configure my own DaoProvider in Alfresco with ACEGIAny one can help me? Could anyone pos...

pmanrubia by Champ in-the-making
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Using Client Side NTLM - ServletException: Required ...

Hi,Well, we have our ldap users and groups sync'ing great!Now we want to get Client Side NTLM working so users areautomatically logged into the system.  We are getting an exception thatis preventing the system from starting.Running 1.3.0 EnterpriseFo...

csiege by Champ in-the-making
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Association on cm:person

Hi,I'm currently trying to associate a cmerson to a specific type.       <type name="coj:registry_doc">         <parent>cm:content</parent>         <properties>            <property name="coj:meeting_date">               <type>d:datetime</type>      ...

jmliege by Champ in-the-making
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Adding Types to the Specialize Type Dialog

Hi, How tdo I add a list of types in the web UI drop down when using the Specialise Type option of the create rule wizard ?In general is there some documentation that descibes the approprite names for the UI components named in the web client config ...

jono by Champ in-the-making
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Backing up MySQL db from Alfresco Community

Hello,I was wondering if anybody knows how to backup the MySQL db from the Alfresco Community version 1.2.1. I cannot do mysqldump when Alfresco is running, but if I turn of alfresco than I can't do the dump either. So I am not sure exactly how to pr...

BrowseBean.browsePageSize error on fresh Alfresco 1.3 instal

I get this error on bootup of Alfresco after putting the war file in tomcat's webapps directory.javax.faces.FacesException: Bean: org.alfresco.web.bean.BrowseBean, property: browsePageSizecaused byrg.apache.jasper.JasperException: Bean: org.alfresco....

idahodeq by Champ in-the-making
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