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CIFS problem: Server name limitation!!! :(

Hello,I'm trying to configure CIFS to work in my Alfresco, but my server name is "Ncednobregadac" :shock:  and I think there is a limitation in windows as to the number of characters is there any work around for this case or do I have to use the "_A"...

danilo by Champ in-the-making
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Binding CIFS to another port

I am using the WAR file version of Alfresco, an am running my servlet container on Linux as a user other than root. This prevents me from using CIFS, since only root can bind to ports below 1024. I would like to be able to bind CIFS to another port a...

rgeimer by Champ in-the-making
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running exampleModel

This warning appears:  WARN  [org.alfresco.repo.node.integrity.IntegrityChecker] Found 2 integrity violations:The association target multiplicity has been violated:    Association: Association[ class=ClassDef [ name={}sop], name={

tiofelix by Champ in-the-making
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64 bit java on AMD?

Does alfresco support 64 bit java on 64 bit Linux?I'm using jdk-1_5_0_07-linux-amd64.bin from sun. When I tried to compile alfresco from source, it gave me following errors:init:     [echo] Starting build for repository at 17:36common.compile-java:  ...

jian by Champ in-the-making
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BonjourMa société à l'intention d'heberger Alfresco...

BonjourMa société à l'intention d'heberger Alfresco en externe. Je suis donc en train de rechercher les solutions possibles.Je me pose ces questions:-Quels sont les minimums requis pour le serveur? processeur, ram ?-Un certificat ssl est t'il nésesai...

elise by Champ in-the-making
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paste as link - webdav/cifs

In version 1.3(.1) the webclient offers the facility to paste a content element as a link. This works fine as long as I do not use the webdav or the cifs interface. If I do so, the interface either crashes (Map as network drive on WindowsXP), hangs (...

omegerard by Champ in-the-making
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standard space definition - model.

Hi gurus, Can anyone tell me where I can find xml section that defines space type. I suppose it is a folder type with some aspects and associations added? Please, correct me if I am wrong. I simply want to create a custom type based on a space type. ...

pawelu by Champ in-the-making
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email template

Hello,is it possible to modify email template (*.ftl) or to create a new one ?simply modifify a template like notify-user.ftl seems not work. How can i do to have a new template.thanks

How to start the alfresco thru svn code

Hi Developers,I have installed the svn software and checked out the source code thru svn successfully. I followed the instructions from the given below url. Initially the build was fa...

srinivasan by Champ in-the-making
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Group type ?

Does a "group" type exist ?If the answer is yes, where can I find the definition of this type and is it possible to create a custom type that extends this "group" type ?Thank you for your answer !

cblandin by Champ in-the-making
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