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Forum Posts

Birt Report and Alfresco content management

All,Anyone can help me????. I am new in Alfresco. After I setup web content management I login as user and store some document such as XMl or Word or PDF.I use Eclipse Birt Report pull from database and do some screen report to let user know status i...

pamelapan by Champ in-the-making
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Pass parameters email template

hi,i have defined a web script wich send an email using a template to populate the body. The web script works, but i need to pass parameters to the template, i have tried using the model variable in the javascript but it doesn´t work. Somebody can he...

afistolao by Champ in-the-making
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Task Approve, Reject, All fail with failed to action task

In Share I have created an Adhoc task and a review task. when I click on the Task Done link on the Adhoc task or the Approve or reject link the review task. I get a dialog message "Failed to action" after searching in the logs I also found the loc...

michaelc by Champ on-the-rise
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Custom directory structure of the repository filesystem

Hi everybody,I would like to know if there is a way to accomplish the following goal.Let's assume that we have spaces with these properties: year, customer; and that we have the following space structure:Company Home +- Projects    +- P1 (year = 2009...

lboschi by Champ in-the-making
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modeler app don't start

Linux 2.6.18tomcat  6.0.26INFO: Deploying web application archive activiti-engine-init.warMay 19, 2010 1:11:00 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWARINFO: Deploying web application archive activiti-modeler.warjava.lang.IllegalStateExcept...

définition droits Alfresco Share

bonjour à tousmalgré une recherche je n'ai pas trouvé la répartition des droits attribués à chaque profil dans Share (administrateur, contributeurs, collaborateurs, lecteurs) et sur quels objetc fonctionnels (wiki, blog bibliothèques de documents, et...

fgourrier by Champ in-the-making
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createFolder fails with 'Type Id property required'

Hi there,I am trying to create a folder using the webservice bindings (generated by JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 and JDK 6) and I always get this error:Exception in thread "main" Type Id property required   at...

safroe by Champ in-the-making
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history support: feature description

I started a wiki page on the initial feature set of the history support for Activiti 5.0. goal is to outline, discuss, and in the same time document, the scope of the history support in Activit 5...

cstettler by Champ in-the-making
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Error in preview web project

Io ho installato Alfresco-Community-3.3g-Full-Setup.exe, sto seguendo il tutorial getting started, ma quando provo a visualizzare la preview del mio web project il browser rimane fermo sulla porta 8810. Io ho anche installato Alfresco-DeploymentCommu...

smeligrana by Champ in-the-making
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Alf 3.2r2 Recherche avec plusieurs mots clé: ça fonctionne ?

Bonjour je me pose quelques questions sur la recherche avancée avec Alfresco. (Alf community 3.2r2)Je n'arrive pas à faire une recherche avec plusieurs mots clés si ces mots ne sont pas proches l'un de l'autre Dans la description d'un document j'ai e...

bouche64 by Champ in-the-making
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