How to get properties of association object using json.ftl?
I have a type abc:appDate. It has a property abc:dateTime an association to self ie.,
<association name="abc:nextAppDate">
<title>Next App Date</title>
I was trying to get properties of association as below, but getting "Error during processing of the template 'Expression result.assocs[\"abc:nextAppDate\"] is undefined"
<#macro dateFormat date>${date?string("dd MMM yyyy")}</#macro>
<#escape x as jsonUtils.encodeJSONString(x)>
"nodeRef": "${result.nodeRef}",
"date": "<@dateFormat["abc:dateTime"] />",
"nextDate": [
<#list result.assocs["abc:nextAppDate"] as childKey>
"date": "<@dateFormat["abc:dateTime"] />"
<#if child_has_next>,</#if>