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Alfresco versus Notes?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I've seen many posts asking about migration from and integration with Lotus Notes. But I haven't seen any discussion of why you'd use Alfresco if Notes is already in use.

My interest is document/records management and collaboration. From a superficial comparison, I can't really see any advantage with Alfresco.

Hoping some folks can suggest things I might have overlooked…


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You may also want to look here:

If you are looking for RM then Alfresco is DOD certified, and as I understand it Notes is not.   However you can use both together in which you get RM certification on Notes.

As for differences it depends upon what you are using Notes for, many people use it just for its collaboration features, but its a full application development environment.    Both Alfresco and Notes can fall into the "hard to define" category of software, so without going into details and use cases its not going to be a meaningful comparison.

Another major difference is that Alfresco is Open Source, while Notes is not.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
OK, thanks for info. I had some exposure to Notes for EDM and collaboration in the 90s. I had the feeling that might give me some insight to what I could expect from Alfresco, if I take the plunge.