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Alfresco Share Admin Console - Missing Tools

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm a Alfresco Newbie and today I have installed my first Alfresco 4.2b Community Edition on a Windows 2008 R2 x64 Server.

Installation works fine and I can login into Alfresco Share as User admin.

But when I select th admin console via "More", I can only see standard Tools like Application, Replication Jobs etc. What I'm missing are tools like Solr search configuration (as described in Community Edition online help).

Is it a Bug or are this Enterprise-Only features and I have to config Solr via xml-files?

Thanks in advance.


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Search configuration depends on JMX which is Enterprise-only. So that tool as well as several others that depend on JMX are not in the Community Edition admin console. An out-of-the-box Community Edition admin console looks like this:

You can learn more about the difference between Community Edition and Enterprise Edition at this page on the wiki.

If you look at documentation on, functionality that is Enterprise-only should be clearly identified as such. If it isn't, please raise a docs Jira.
