hey all when i go and restart my tomcat alfresco server i faced with this problem can anyone help me thanks
root@my-alfresco:~# service alfresco stop
Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/alfresco/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/alfresco/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/alfresco/tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /opt/alfresco/java
Using CLASSPATH: /opt/alfresco/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/alfresco/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID: /opt/alfresco/tomcat/temp/catalina.pid
Usage: catalina.sh ( commands … )
debug Start Catalina in a debugger
debug -security Debug Catalina with a security manager
jpda start Start Catalina under JPDA debugger
run Start Catalina in the current window
run -security Start in the current window with security manager
start Start Catalina in a separate window
start -security Start in a separate window with security manager
stop Stop Catalina, waiting up to 5 seconds for the process to end
stop n Stop Catalina, waiting up to n seconds for the process to end
stop -force Stop Catalina, wait up to 5 seconds and then use kill -KILL if still running
stop n -force Stop Catalina, wait up to n seconds and then use kill -KILL if still running
configtest Run a basic syntax check on server.xml - check exit code for result
version What version of tomcat are you running?
Note: Waiting for the process to end and use of the -force option require that $CATALINA_PID is defined
/opt/alfresco/tomcat/scripts/ctl.sh : tomcat could not be stopped
waiting for server to shut down……………………………………………………… failed
pg_ctl.bin: server does not shut down
HINT: The "-m fast" option immediately disconnects sessions rather than
waiting for session-initiated disconnection.
/opt/alfresco/postgresql/scripts/ctl.sh : postgresql could not be stopped