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alfresco integration with liferay

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
How we integrate  alfresco integration with liferay?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
How we integrate  alfresco integration with liferay?

Can you expand a little on what type of integration you are looking for:

Some examples that we here about often are
* Alfresco client inside liferay (e.g. use webscripts and other alfresco based portlets to pull content from alfresco in to liferay)
* Alfresco as the CMS behind Liferay
* Liferay Journal Portlet and other constructs on top of Alfresco

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sorry for high jacking other user thread but rdanner  can put some links to documents about how to made all three type of integration.

To be honest putting Alfresco client inside liferay isn't hard to achieve and there's many doc on wiki and forms, but I'm now straggling to display webscripts (dashlets) inside liferay as regular portlets.

About other two type of integration there's much talk how that can be done on forums and wiki but I can find anything to start with. It appears to me that nobody post any solution except the guys at but that doesn't look like neither the second or thread type of integration that you mentioned. What I really want is to have content saved in Alfresco and created and viewed try the Liferay. I think that I can accomplish that using Alfresco as CMS or by making Journal and other "portlets" to display content from Alfresco.

If you have any suggestions or if you can point me in direction how to proceed with researching, I'll appreciate it very much Smiley Happy.