i have set up Alfresco on ubuntu and also tried on Windows 7. At the moment only the ubuntu version is running!
I can reach the web interface ip:8080/alfresco by all other windows based pcs in the network. Only my Ipad did not get any response on browsing that address!
The ipad is in the same network on the same ap my notebook is connected by!
When I setup the Alfresco app it get an error that it cant save the profile! Whats wrong?
the app is configured like that:
username: admin pw: same I use on firefox on windows hostname: same IP description: tried different and leave blank https: off
sync data: yes port: tried 8080 and 80 service document: tried /alfresco /alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/browser /alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/atom
client certificate: leave blank
I think the problem is on server, what is configuered wrong? what I can try? or is the ios browser not able to load the page in fact of java script or something else? but the schould be another error as server not responding?
If you're running the latest version of the iOS app (2.1) - note, please only update if you're running iOS 8 until we can get 2.1.1 out! - there's a connection diagnostic mode if an account can't be set-up correctly. Using that view, where does the connection fail?