I am preparing a document which needs a comparative study between CMIS and Web Services. I need to support my usage of CMIS over Web Service in Alfresco . I need some points where i can emphasize this point.Kindly guide me for it
I'm not exactly clear about what you are asking for. Are you asking for a comparison of CMIS versus the old Alfresco native Web Services API? If so, I would offer a few bullets:
- The old Web Services API is not being actively developed. All work in this area is currently in CMIS.
- CMIS has multiple bindings. One is Atom Pub. The other is Web Services. So if you really need to continue using Web Services, use the Web Services binding with CMIS.
- When you learn the CMIS API you are investing in a skillset that applies to future projects with Alfresco but other CMIS compliant repositories as well. The native Web Services API is proprietary to Alfresco.
Things to put in the plus column for the native Web Services API are:
- There may be some API calls that CMIS does not cover. In those cases, you may have to use Web Services.
- Some older integrations rely on it (PHP SDK, for example)
Soon, we will have the same public API that is available for Alfresco in the cloud running in Alfresco on-premise. When that happens, the preferred order of API use for on-premise will be:
- Public API - CMIS - Public lifecycle web scripts - Custom web scripts - Internal lifecycle web scripts - Native Web Services API