To test the repository I tried to address it with CMIS Workbench and SharePoint 2010.
Although CMIS Workbench finds a respository I am not able to establish a connection because I receive a runtime error "HTTP status code 411: Length Required" trying to login.
Using Sharepoint Consumer Webpart I do not even receive a repository but a error that the requested Site could not be found.
There are probably to different Problems here, but I´m glad for suggestions for any.
I'm able to point CMIS workbench to and connect without a problem. The version of the workbench I am using is Version: 0.5.0 / Revision: 1197721 / Build: 2011-11-04T14:23:05-0500.
If you are also testing CMIS workbench against a SharePoint repository and having errors, that is probably something for either the Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS dev list or the SharePoint CMIS team.
I've never tried the Sharepoint CMIS Consumer Web Part against Alfresco, so I can't offer any suggestions there.