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Alfresco 1.2 Problem: readd admin account always

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
i use alfresco 1.2, and every time i restart the jboss, alfresco recreate the database , esp add new admin account

this is annoying, because after restart it, i cannot login to the alfresco.

is there a way to turn of auto upgrade, this feature, so alfresco just run as apps, no need to finding out what kind database or do "smart" thing.

i never get this problem in 1.1.x.

can help my friend?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

The software is not supposed to recreate the database if it detects that there is already a populated one, and we have never seen this behaviour before.

Can you give some detailed information on your setup, and what you do prior to restarting Jboss through to after Jboss has restarted (including logs).



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We did not do anything, I just know that Alfresco regenerate table dan refill the database.

we just extract and run it, we didnot do anything.

I just start and stop, the jboss, using run.bat, last week our server crash, and after we run it. we cannot login.

if you want you can access to our server.

email me

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am experiencing very similar problems. I have just done two installs on different machines (both intel   mandrake10.1   mysql 4.0.20, tomcat from the Alfresco bundle) and, in each case, after having successfully started Alfresco, logged in once as "admin" and logged out again, the next l;ogin attempt is rejected with "unknown username/ password". neither machine has crashed, although both have been cleanly shutdown and rebooted.

Mick Wilson
United Nations Environment Programme
Nairobi, Kenya


We did not do anything, I just know that Alfresco regenerate table dan refill the database.

we just extract and run it, we didnot do anything.

I just start and stop, the jboss, using run.bat, last week our server crash, and after we run it. we cannot login.

if you want you can access to our server.

email me

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I also had this problem - Alfresco crashed due to the Hibernate 3.1.2 problem and following a restart I was unable to log back in under any username, including admin.

This seems to be related to the working directory of the server (Tomcat 5.5.12 in my case). 

If I restart in the same working directory, everything works fine and I can log in; if I restart from a different directory I get this problem.

I noticed that I had several "alfresco.log" files and "alf_data" directories scattered about the place.  These are written in the working directory of Tomcat.  This is the first day I've used Alfresco, so I've been restarting fairly arbitrarily ("killall java;" from a random directory - $TOMCAT_HOME/bin is in my path).

I don't know if there's a simple configuration fix to this - to set the directory of the log file and alf_data, and I'm not sure what is contained in alf_data, or how critical it is to the application - but for now, always keeping the same working directory solves this problem for me.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for the tip - I'll give it a bash and report back. Meanwhile I have realized that Alfresco is dependant on MySQL being at ver 4.1 or later (yes, Michael, RTFM) so have been for the past few days side-tracked upgrading MySQL, PHP and Tomcat. Hope to get back to Alfresco-ing this afternoon.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

The 'alf_data' directory is critical to the application - it contains all the content  files and lucene indexes for Alfresco!

By default, it is not hard coded bacause we have no idea of the directory structure you are using, so it defaults to ./alf_data from the location that you run Alfresco from.

This location is easy to hardcode, see this page in the wiki for information on how to go about doing this:

(Note, the usernames are cached in the lucene indexes, so if you restart Alfresco from a different location you will not be able to log in using any of the cached usernames!)
