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Ajax Framework(s) for 3.0

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
What Ajax framework(s) will be used in 3.0 ?

From the web scripts forum, it sounded like Ext JS, used in Opsoro, will not due to licensing issues.

(Also what components will be in Flex, or available in both Flex and Ajax?)

Steve Reiner

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
the screenshots I've seen of the Dynamic Website Project are showing extJS. ExtJs is available under LGPL, so there is perhaps a question for Alfresco Software as a company and their business model. In my opinion extJs is currently the most powerful ajax framwork if you want to build custom clients. The combination extjs - json - WebScripts - Alfresco Repo seems to be "the road".
I'm not familar with flex…I've seen screenshots of alffrescos new network clients which uses flex. I'm not sure if this is still the plan or if they decided to stay on the AJAX side.
Perhaps you are able to post some screenshots / screencast of your in other topics mentioned flex client. I'm very interested in this flex stuff…



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I agree Ext JS is impressive  (your stuff is cool!!) Also they Ext JS has support for AIR which I noticed you may add support for in Opsoro.  Screenshots, screencast  of  FlexSpaces, and FlexSpaces+AIR coming soon.  Here is a feature list

Additional AIR features in FlexSpaces+AIR:
1.   Added Native copy and paste of files (with multiple selection) from OS folders into  the AIR app repo folders
2.   Added Native drag / drop of files from OS folders (with multiple selection)  into AIR app repo folders  (in addition from the local files built-in grid/tree which now has nav controls, breadcrumb)
3.   Added making files / folders (not deep) available offline  (with multple selection),  Added  single select update from offline edit.
4.   Added viewing files in multiple tabs built-in to the AIR app (with draggable and closeable tabs) (html, text, acrobat pdf in built-in tabs,  working on added flash preview from ACE for office apps to avoid app launch)  (Will make non air specific later)
5.     Added  create content dialogs: xml, text, html (tinyMCE).  (Will make non air specific later)
6.     Added  example of ajax web script UI integrated in flex UI ( MySpaces,  MyTasks in part of the display) (Will make non air specific later)

FlexSpaces and FlexSpacesAIR
1. Tree, folder (with icon and details view modes)
2. Dual repo folders  with drag /drop between
3. View menus to show hide repo tree, 2nd repo folder, local files browser (air).
4. Properties dialog for  viewing / editing properties.
5. Checkin, checkout, cancel checkout, make versionable, make pdf
6.  Cut / Copy / Paste, Delete
7.  Upload, Download.
8.  Added Create Space dialog with optional choice of template and choosing icon.
9.  Added Multiple selection when drag/dropping between repo folders
10. Added Multiple selection when cut/copy/pasting between repo folders.
11. Added Multiple selection in upload dialog  (download dialog is single selection).
12. Added Multiple selection delete in repo folders.
13. Added Rename dialog.
14.  Server side use javascript web scripts with xml format for all  Alfresco server data  (on clientside Flex / ActionScript has good support for e4x xml)

Steve Reiner

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
it sounds like the roadmap of opsoro…;-)
we'll do the same stuff using two different client technologies!


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Put a bunch of screenshots of FlexSpaces+AIR and one of FlexSpaces on a new blog:
(click on the thumbnails to get the full screenshots, and click again to zoom in)

Also added screencams on


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

That's some interesting stuff you're doing.

If I understand it correctly, you're doing everything with web scripts in the Flex browser client, correct? How did you handle authentication? Are you using the flex-sdk from the Alfresco SVN or the WSDL stuff?

As far as 3.0 is concerned, I'd love for Alfresco to add BlazeDS or GraniteDS as an option for the service layer for interactive clients like Flex. Heck, Adobe did it for their Adobe Share platform which uses FDS and Alfresco (damnit Adobe, share it with us!). XML is easy to deal with but is quite poor from a performance standpoint. Integrating BlazeDS is something I'm researching right now - but I'm not a Java guy. Exposing all those Spring framework Beans to remoting would probably be a significant undertaking for such a newbie as myself.

I'm quite new to Alfresco, and Jan's Oposoro kit has helped me immensely because I haven't had the experience in writing web scripts on the backend. But that's a scripted client - not a Flex front-end (which I'm working on). I'd rather not have to write 90 files for 30 separate service calls. That seems to be the same route that many people are going down (portability is excellent). Personally, I'd rather expose the framework through AMF3 for performance reasons.

Anyway, it's great to hear additional people are working on Flex-based clients with Alfresco. I'm in the process of building a Flex (browser and AIR) client, so this is all quite interesting to me.

Drop me a msg offline (jbradley at postcentral dot com) if you're interested in collaborating in any manner. Not sure if you're stuff will be sourced or if it's screenshots of an internal job. I'm not too much of a data guy - way more on the design and interaction side of things. Smiley Happy

There certainly aren't that many of us. Smiley Wink



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
there are several other options if you want to use sth. like extJs:
  • dwr: direct web remoting :

  • java based WebSripts

  • write your own layer and expose Spring Services

  • to be completed
From my point of view using WebScripts and XML is a small "network killer", there is a big <myelementname></myelementname>-overhead.

I'd like to point out, that alfresco is doing their homework… the have defined a great architecture with a whole bunch of api/interface you could use.
I don't know another ECM-Plattform which has this richness of choice.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Adding support for BlazeDS in Alfresco and in FlexSpaces is on my roadmap.  Also want to support web scripts in Groovy in addition to Javascript with FlexSpaces (maybe even a mini Groovy/Javascript IDE in added admin features in the FlexSpaces client).  Noticed there is a forge project for Groovy.  The flex plugin for Grails has support for BlazeDS and a Embedded Flex Webtier Compiler

I am using the flex-sdk from Alfresco SVN  with  a quick patch to allow other result formats on the cleintside

FlexSpaces and FlexSpaces+AIR  wil be  open source (dual license?). Also consulting.

Steve Reiner


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Looks lke 3.0 will  use the yahoo user interface (YUI)  ajax library:
"Do we need a popup framework or is the out of the box YUI support enough?"

From JIRA Slingshot info, it looks like the media library component will use flex. Also see info on flash previews in tagging,  Pop-up info panel

Some 3.0 UI designs

index of 3.0 wiki pages