Hi Guys,
I am using one of the examples of the Aikau project. Now, I am new to this project and it looks like it's a huge time saver. However, I am being tripped up a little here.
I have the following json model and it displays the document picker and a save and cancel button. All I want to do it console.log() the list of selected document nodeRefs. However, I cannot seem to find the on save callback function, nor can I find the code to grab the list of user selected documents. Does someone have an example of this?
<strong>JSON Model</strong>
model.jsonModel = {
services: [
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/forms/Form",
config: {
okButtonLabel: "Ok",
okButtonPublishTopic: "FORM_CONTENTS",
widgets: [
id: "MY_WIDGET",
name: "example/widgets/MyWidget"
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/DocumentPicker",
itemKey: "nodeRef",
config: {
label: "Choose a document",
name: "document"
I am still feeling totally lost in this Aikau code. I have now created a JavaScript widget successfully and altered my model, but cannot seem to get the subscribe to fire. Is there a specific way to do this? I have even changed my model and put the widget inside my own widget. I imagine this would put it into the scope of my widget, but then it doesn't load the document picker UI anymore.
function(declare, _Widget, Core) {
return declare([_Widget, Core], {
* Construct
constructor: function example_widgets_MyWidget__constructor(args) {
this.alfSubscribe("ALF_ITEMS_SELECTED", lang.hitch(this, "getPickedItems"));
//this.alfSubscribe("ALF_ITEMS_SELECTED", lang.hitch(this, this.getPickedItems));
* Get Picked Items from Picked Items Widget
getPickedItems: function example_widgets_MyWidget__getPickedItems() {
var pickedItemsWidget = lang.getObject("verticalWidgets.pickedItemsWidget", false, this);