11-07-2010 01:40 PM
11-08-2010 08:55 AM
11-22-2010 01:54 AM
11-25-2010 07:07 PM
11-26-2010 11:15 AM
<content mimetype="text/plain" itemId="my:customType" icon="plain-text" label="menu.create-content.custom" />
<content mimetype="text/plain" itemId="cm:content" icon="plain-text" label="menu.create-content.text" />
<#assign href>create-content?mimeType=${content.mimetype?html}&destination={nodeRef}<#if (content.formid!"") != "">&formId=${content.formid?html}</#if><#if (content.itemId!"") != "">&itemId=${content.itemId?html}</#if></#assign>
mimetype: xmlContent.@mimetype.toString(),
itemId: xmlContent.@itemId.toString(),
icon: xmlContent.@icon.toString(),
permission: xmlContent.@permission.toString(),
formid: xmlContent.@formid.toString(),
label: xmlContent.@label.toString()
02-07-2011 09:13 PM
Finally got this to work in 3.4b. Here is what I did:
Last step I could not get it working on "tomcat/shared" folder, so I had to edit the file directly inside webapps, not ideal!. Go to "tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\documentlibrary\include" and edit "toolbar.lib.js" to parse the itemId attribute from the xml config. Change to:
03-14-2011 01:21 PM
06-15-2011 07:20 AM
12-02-2011 03:32 PM
10-09-2012 05:26 PM
<!– Document Library config section –>
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary">
<content id="plain-text" mimetype="text/plain" label="criar-conteudo.text" itemid="axcl:cliente" icon="ax"/>
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