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activiti-rest.war and explorer.war in maven repository?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Apologies if this is a newbie question, I have done major searching (although the forum's search engine ignores "rest" and "maven" as too common :cry: ).
We want to package the activiti-rest.war, activiti-explorer.war and our own RESTful API as one collection of Tomcat webapps. We use Archiva as our Maven repository/proxy, and our process is to deploy our built wars into Archiva. It would make our application assembly stage much easier if the Activiti-built wars (activiti-rest.war and activiti-explorer.war) were available in Activiti's Maven repository.
Can anyone suggest a solution other than using maven deploy:deploy-file (manually) when the new release of activiti is available for download at <sigh>I really hate manual processes…. </sigh>



Star Contributor
Star Contributor
We don't upload the wars to our maven repo, as not many people have a need for it…. the only thing it allows is to embed the war as-is into antoher war …

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for the quick reply.

Is there an alternate way to include the standard Activiti REST API with my own extensions in a war file? I only see the REST code distributed in the downloadable war, not as a library jar in the Maven repository (as the activiti-engine is).
Of course, I would still like to be able to use the Explorer Web Application as-is, as well!
Maybe if all the components were available as jars in the Maven repository, it would work. "Some assembly required", as the big Swedish furniture store says.

