Tijs: Thanks for your answer.
What started as a question for getting startable processes for a user derived on another problem, now confirmed. As I commented in my update, deploying the process via Activiti Java API, the identity links to the deployed process are created as it should. Using:
ProcessEngine pe = ActProcessEngine.getProcessEngine("prueba"); // custom ProcessEngine creator
String bpmnResourceName = "PATH TO XML";
DeploymentBuilder db;
try {
db = pe.getRepositoryService().createDeployment().addInputStream("NAME OF PROCESS", new FileInputStream(new File(bpmnResourceName)));
Deployment d = db.deploy();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
works great.
On the other side, if I import the same xml in Activiti Explorer and deploy it, the identity links are NOT created, As I said before, I checked it many times to confirm. I assumed the Activiti Explorer implements the same API on server side, so I tried this:
- importing the xml in Activiti Explorer
- editing on Activiti Editor
- saving
- exporting back from Activiti Explorer
- the exported xml DOES NOT include the candidate users or groups, even though those were included on the original and imported xml.
I can work it via java, It's more like a FYI