04-02-2009 11:42 AM
# The LDAP context factory to use
# The URL to connect to the LDAP server
# The authentication mechanism to use
# The default principal to use (only used for LDAP sync)
# The password for the default principal (only used for LDAP sync)
# Escape commas entered by the user at bind time
# Useful when using simple authentication and the CN is part of the DN and contains commas
# Escape commas entered by the user when setting the authenticated user
# Useful when using simple authentication and the CN is part of the DN and contains commas, and the escaped \, is
# pulled in as part of an LDAP sync
# If this option is set to true it will break the default home folder provider as space names can not contain \
04-28-2009 04:22 AM
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<bean id="authenticationComponent"
<property name="LDAPInitialDirContextFactory">
<ref bean="ldapInitialDirContextFactory"/>
<property name="userNameFormat">
This maps between what the user types in and what is passed through to the underlying LDAP authentication.
"%s" - the user id is passed through without modification.
Used for LDAP authentication such as DIGEST-MD5, anything that is not "simple".
"cn=%s,ou=London,dc=company,dc=com" - If the user types in "Joe Bloggs" the authenticate as "cn=Joe Bloggs,ou=London,dc=company,dc=com"
Usually for simple authentication. Simple authentication always uses the DN for the user.
<property name="nodeService">
<ref bean="nodeService" />
<property name="personService">
<ref bean="personService" />
<property name="transactionService">
<ref bean="transactionService" />
<property name="escapeCommasInBind">
<property name="escapeCommasInUid">
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