Hi All, Thanks to "Francesco " for his support, after repeated try I was able to install AAAR. I am going to write down the steps which I followed, so that new comers for Pentaho or BI area gets help from this thread.———-I have installed CE edition on a Linux systemUsed normal user to install it —-Best installing make sure you have Sun(Oracle) java installed , and JAVA_HOME,JRE_HOME and path set accordingly, I have my java in /opt folder and I have created a env file to reflect the above parameters, my env file contents are
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java
export JRE_HOME=/opt/java/jre
export PATH=/opt/java/bin:$PATH
execute the environment filesNow my pentaho installation folder is in /optSo I start the pentaho using the command
For trouble shooting, I keep an eye on the logs created, for this you need to do
tail -f /opt/biserver-ce/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
checking the log files you get an idea on what is happening, the log files are friends which gives us direction where u gone wrong, so to save time, check the log files always, log entry which happens dynamically can be checked using this command
tail -f /opt/biserver-ce/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
After the installation, go to market place, then "installed plugins" update the plugins under the "installed plugins" to the latest, it will ask for restart, do it to restart the service do this
wait for some time, check the log files, to see the service stopped then
Now prior installing AAAR we need to install
CDA = Community Data Access
CDE = Community DashBoard Editor
Sparkl = Pentaho Application Builder
Go to market place and install the above plugins After installation of plugins, it will ask you to restart the service, please restart the service.Now once the service is up, go to market place and install AAAR, as asked by the system, please restart the service, Your AAAR installation is complete.I have attached a screen shot of the list of plugins installed for AAAR to work, please check the attachment for your reference.This is all the steps for installing.the rest configuring of AAAR, I have not done, once finished I will post the steps with screen shotsthanks Joseph John