05-10-2012 09:20 AM
Turns the filters form the filter's config files into url parameters by matching the filter id and data against
the filter patterns below. A wildcard ("*") matches any value as long as it exists and isn't empty.
The parameters will later be added to the end of the base repo webscript url used to retrieve the values.
Note that it is possible to create dynamic values by using the following keys inside "{}":
* {id} - resolves to the filter id value
* {data} - resolveds to the filter data value
* {0dt} - resolves to a iso08601 datetime representation of the current date and time
* {0d} - resolves to a iso8601 date representation of the current day
* {-7d} - resolves to a iso8601 date representation of the current day rolled the given number of days back
* {+7d} - resolves to a iso8601 date representation of the current day rolled the given number of days forward
<filter id="all" data="" parameters=""/>
<filter id="due" data="today" parameters="dueAfter={-1d}&dueBefore={0d}"/>
<filter id="due" data="tomorrow" parameters="dueAfter={0d}&dueBefore={1d}"/>
<filter id="due" data="next7Days" parameters="dueAfter={0d}&dueBefore={8d}"/>
<filter id="due" data="overdue" parameters="dueBefore={-1d}"/>
<filter id="due" data="noDate" parameters="dueBefore="/>
<filter id="priority" data="*" parameters="priority={data}"/>
<filter id="assignee" data="me" parameters="pooledTasks=false"/>
<filter id="assignee" data="unassigned" parameters="pooledTasks=true" />
<filter id="state" data="*" parameters="state=completed" />
05-10-2012 10:48 AM
To create or remove a filter in one of the filter sections simply override the filter's config file AND the task or workflow lists' config files in the web-extension folder and add or remove a filter element. Make sure to match the filter id and data attributes in both files and supply the appropriate url parameters in the parameters attribute and don't forget to also add the filter's i18n key in the .get.properties file.
05-11-2012 08:24 AM
<filter id="excludeTest" data="*" parameters="exclude={ocr:ocrFinished}" />
<filter id="excludeTest" data="*" parameters="exclude=ocr:ocrFinished" />
<filter id="excludeTest" data="*" parameters="exclude=[ocr:ocrFinished]" />
<filter id="excludeTest" data="*" parameters="exclude=(ocr:ocrFinished)" />
07-14-2013 10:09 PM
07-20-2012 06:15 PM
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