03-28-2012 07:22 AM
03-28-2012 07:55 AM
03-29-2012 05:58 AM
03-29-2012 06:02 AM
Yes,exactly Its like if you are manipulating the node which is irrespective of file of folder then you should use nodeservice.
Each file and folder are node after all.
Where if you are working at file folder lever where you need to have APIs for listing all the files under folder etc. you have to use FileFolderservice.
So,Its self explanatory names given by alfresco to all those services.
03-29-2012 07:14 AM
both creates a node eventually in alfresco, am i right.?
03-29-2012 07:25 AM
both creates a node eventually in alfresco, am i right.?
…they do for sure! :wink:
03-29-2012 07:51 AM
04-01-2012 07:16 AM
04-02-2012 12:17 AM
In general you should use the FileFolder service. Only drop down to the lower level Node service if you are doing something special.
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