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Alfresco comunity 5.0 no inicia

Buenos díasHe instalado alfresco comunity 5.0 en un servidor virtual de 1and1, con Centos. La instalación no me da ningun fallo, con lo cual entiendo que se realiza correctamente.El problema viene cuando intento acceder, escribiendo en el navegador l...

fmjimenez by Champ in-the-making
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Share URLs in Chrome

We use Alfresco Share for our content repository. I have linked to documents on our intranet.  When clicking the links using Internet Explorer the links open without issue. When I click the links with Google Chrome, I am prompted to select a program ...

Unable to confirm deletetion of Site

I am administrator of Alfresco and i want to delete a site.But when i click on Delete i got a popup message saying if i am sure i want to delete the site but the Ok or cancel button are not shown !!What can i do ? See the attached picture

Compressed zip from document library

Hi,I've just noticed when you use this feature from the document library the created zip file stays on the file system and there's no way (I didn't find it) to catch and remove it. I discover that because I noticed a strange grow of the backup data a...

iwkse by Star Contributor
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Schema upgrade failing (4.2.f->5.0.a)

The content is 1.5TB and the database files on disk (mysql) are around 17GB (the database dump is around 5GB).  alfresco and /share are both fine in 4.2.f.  When I upgrade to 5.0.a though:In catalina.out, everything is fine until the log fragment bel...

Alfresco One sync with Alfresco Community

My company operates at several sites, on several continents, some of which have low bandwidth and intermittent connectivity (a slow connection only available a few hours per day). If we implement Alfresco One at our main office, and Alfresco Communit...

linecrest by Champ in-the-making
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How to get dynamic id of component in share page ?

Hi Friend,I want to get id from the share page (e.g share workflow page one of the button id which is out of box not custom)Now I want to do some action based on that button click in workflow. So I want to define that id in my client side js.So how c...

g_rathod by Star Contributor
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Workflow Hello World example

Hi,i read and use Alfresco 5.0.dIn Eclipse I created Activiti Diagram into /all-in-one/repo-amp/src/main/amp/config/alfresco/module/repo-...

gslamy by Champ in-the-making
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