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Importacion masiva repositorios personalizados

Buenas tardes, Tengo implementado Alfresco comunnity 4.2.c; necesito importar 200000 archivos (pdf y xml) a una ruta personalizada; quiero que por el nombre del archivo sea validado la ruta destino por ejemplo: EMPRESA-01-02-05-2015.pdf  ; el nombre ...

Installation on Tomcat - No alf_data folder

Hi, I have installed Alfresco on tomcat, following the guide exactly, but cant seem to login when I start the server. One step I might have got incorrectly is step 2 of this link: Is the ...

joshjones by Champ in-the-making
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How get first children with FTL

I have a performance time problem with a custom webscript that I'm doing.The webscript only search a node by uuid and return a JSON with some properties of the children of this node, and return the number of the subchilds of them too.I do this in my ...

spilby by Confirmed Champ
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Admin Login

Hi, I installed Alfresco on Tomcat and configured it to a MySQL database. I cannot seem to sign into alfresco share or the admin console with the normal admin/admin that you have on setup. I have not created any users let alone even signed in yet. Ho...

joshjones by Champ in-the-making
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Get all userTask formProperty values for all tasks

Hello. I need help. I have a lot of started processes. And in every process i have several tasks like this:…<userTask id="submit" name="Submit vacation request" …>        <extensionElements>          …          <activiti:formProperty id="actions" nam...

thevanoman by Champ in-the-making
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MockSupport for Delegate Execution Beans

Currently Activiti support Mock Support for Service Tasks if they are defined as classes. In the BPMN file, define the service task as :    <serviceTask id="serviceTask" activiti:class="com.yourcompany.delegate"/>‍‍‍and then in the test file,    @Tes...

texens by Champ in-the-making
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Office 2013 Connect to Alfresco

Alfresco community 4.2c from wizard installer. I am completely missing the boat on how to connect office 2013 to alfresco. Can some kind soul inform/point me to the correct way to do this?I guess i would like to know if the share point protocol modul...

carnold by Champ on-the-rise
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Sharepoint protocol and Office 2013

After configuring sharepoint protocol on alfresco 4.2.e community edition, documents can be opened and saved in office 2013. But after going to File Info version information is not displayed and checkout option does not work.Office shows under versio...

Custom Workflows

I have been trying to get Activiti-based workflows working without success. I have created simple User-task based workflows using Eclipse (LUNA) with the Activiti plug-in. In CE4.2.f they fail to deploy, in CE5.0.a they fail to start. I have tried nu...

gilmore_tj by Champ in-the-making
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