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Http request from a folder rule

Hi, im new with alfresco and I have a question. How can I send http request to given url e.g. in a javascript folder rule? Edit: I forgot to add information about what I've tried. So I tried use remote but it's part of share, not one. I ...

patrick by Champ in-the-making
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Hard Drive Full - Disk Usage Solutions Not Working

Hello everyone,4.2.eBackground: I understand file cleanup goes as follows:- file gets deleted -> goes to trashcan (aka labelled as deleted in DB but still present in contentstore)- trashcan gets emptied -> goes to contentstore.deleted at 4AM (aka DB ...

Alfresco document query

Hi, I have installed an Alfresco Community last month (or 2) and was perhaps overwhelmed.  I am now revisiting Alfresco and would like to get an insight if it would be possible to link related documents together (which I assume possible upon reading ...

No me crea las tablas en Postgresql

Hola soy nuevo en la comunidad y necesito una ayuda.Instale alfresco 4.2.c community pero el usuario alfresco en postgresql en su momento no estaba como superusuario y ahora que cargo el sistema no me crea ninguna tabla.Sé que hay conectividad porque...

carloa by Champ in-the-making
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user add email error

When I add an email address with an domain, I get the error attached in the email below.Is it a problem with the short domain name (one letter)? The email user name itself is six characters, all letters.Thanks.

linecrest by Champ in-the-making
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Configuração Outbond E-mail Zimbra

Olá a todos. Bom, sei que já tem esse tópico ou parecido mas nenhum deles conseguiu esclarecer e resolver meu problema. Estou com problemas de conectar o Outbond para o ZimbraTentei a configuração do

Can not resolve identifier 'variableName'

I am using a javascript in a scriptTask that looks like thisvariableName = anotherVariableName‍I am running on Activiti 5.17. This script worked when I used 5.12. I wrote a JUnit test which failed with 5.17 but when I upgraded to 5.18 it worked just ...

jwistrom by Champ in-the-making
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ActivitiUtil class is no longer available in 5.18.0

Hello,I have a project that is extending Activiti REST to include some extra functionality. This project is using Activiti 5.16.1 version andwe would like to move it to the latest version 5.18.0. After changing my project dependencies I have found so...

krull80 by Champ in-the-making
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