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Forum Posts

Different rights between AD Users and Alfresco Users

Hi,In one hand I've got Users synchronized from an Active Directory, and in the other hand, I've got Users registered in alfresco (from admin's console or from invitation site).How can I know if a user is from AD or "Alfresco resgistering" ?Actually,...

denz by Confirmed Champ
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Kerberos setup with cluster and load balancer

I'm setting up a 4.2.4 cluster with two nodes (node1.example.comn, Each have alfresco and share running.Users access an apache front-end that acts as a load balancer ( using Apache.The goal is to have users SS...

loftux by Star Contributor
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File Preview

We will for the first time allowed to post.OS: CentOS7The AlfrescoCommunityEdition5.0dThe other day I was installed on.Installation is successfully completed after the trial and error,We've arrived to the point where it can document management to cre...

komakine by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Dashlets in Alfresco (4.2) share

Hi,  I am using Alfresco 4.2. Could we create custom Dashlets in site and user Dashboard. In the documentation of Alfresco3.4 we can find out the steps for creating custom dashlets in dashboard of sites. But in the documentation of 4.2 we cannot find...

Could not send e-mail: Sending the email to localhost failed

Hello,Im facing the last issue to get my process working. In 5.6 the send task for email works fine. In 5.7 I got this error (see end of the error log):Caused by: org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the following server faile...

Web service task deployment error

Hello everyone,I tried to create a web service task through activiti modeler, but couldnt find right attributes there, so i just left it empty and exported the bpmn,xml file and edited it there. The final task looked like this:<serviceTask id="webSer...

matus by Champ in-the-making
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Evaluate juel expression outside of activiti engine

Hi,Is there a way to evaluate a juel expression with the value of variables of currently running process outside of the activiti engine?For example, if I deploy a workflow that internally uses a variable called 'username' and then start an instance o...

hery1 by Champ in-the-making
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Page creation with Aikau

Servus folks,I appreaciate some help about an Aikau customization to solve my first example with this framework. I'm trying to create a new page (by using Aikau) that does a simple search and return the result. In addition, I want to invoke the page ...

Javascript issues when updating from 5.12 to 5.17

We have recently updated activiti from 5.12 to 5.17 and we are now experiencing problems in some of our running processes. We are using javascript in our process definitions like this. <scriptTask id="scripttask3" name="Transfer Index" scriptFormat="...

cljungblad by Champ in-the-making
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