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Forum Posts


Does Alfresco (The Company) think that their cloud offering is Enterprise-ready?

Cloud Sign Up

Why has the Sign Up link disappeared from the Alfrecso Cloud login page?  How is a new user now supposed to gain access?RegardsSteven

Change URL

Hello,I am using CentOS 6.7 - 64 bits with Alfresco 5.0.d and i would like to know if there is a possibility to change alfresco URL from to or ?I will appreciate you if some...

rnikolaou by Champ in-the-making
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Problem in integrating Alfresco and Drupal

We are using alfresco 3.4 and wish to integrate it with drupal.We have already downloaded the extension module to alfresco and configured settings.php with following content:# $conf['allow_authorize_operations'] = FALSE;$conf['cmis_repositories'] = a...

Token de Seguridad + Oauth2

Hola,Necesito conocer como podrían implementar en Alfresco el uso de token + Oauth2.Lo que deseo es que Alfresco devuelva un  Token de Tiempo para sus recursos(documentos etc).Como podría implementar esto?Algun ejemplo o documentación que me pueen su...

juanvzla by Champ in-the-making
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Evento a un usuario. Calendario personal

Buenas, ¿es posible que cada usuario tenga su propio calendario y que otro usuario pueda asignarle eventos? Un estilo a la funcionalidad de google calendar

bprados by Champ in-the-making
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Hiding reassign button

Hi all, is there any option in task configuration that disables or hides the reassign button from task form avoiding the user to delegate to someone else?

Empty Contentstore.deleted

Hello everyone!I deleted my files, deleted from trashcan and my contentstore.deleted folder is always empty. Is there another place they can go???In this case, I am using Alfresco 3.2r and tenants. They are located at tenantstores\tenant-name. Even a...

node index failed and skipped

hi mates, what should i do to prevent such error messages:10:53:58,104 WARN  [org.alfresco.solr.tracker.CoreTracker] Node index failed and skipped for 25336 in Tx Read timed out   at

enkidu by Champ in-the-making
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Candidate Group only; no Assignee and candidate user work?

Hi All,could you please advise on the below?There are 3 options in the main config in terms of task assignments.  Assignee, Candidate Users and Candidate Groups.  I know all 3 are not mandatory, can i just use "candidate groups" field to assign a par...

kethur by Champ in-the-making
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