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Forum Posts

Alfresco setup

Hi all,One of our organization's vendor has established and configured Alfresco repository. When we requested for the access or code base, got the zipped filed of 1.8 MB which consists of multiple folders (core-repo, core-share, repo, share, solr-con...

share-header - changing the value of Sites and Tasks

Hi there,I've been following the Alfresco blog on how to make customisations (link: that has worked for removing certain share-header menu items that I don't ne...

bengrah by Champ on-the-rise
  • 4 replies
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'Add relationship' not working

Hi,I have a test system with Alfresco Community Edition 5.0.d and Records Management 2.3.c.1. Created an RM site and File Plan.2. Added a couple of PDFs to the File Plan.3. Completed required metadata and declared the records.4. Attempted to "Add rel...

lw7415 by Champ in-the-making
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No email functionality

Hi,Am running Alfresco Community 5.0.d and am executing a rule that emails a recipient when new content is added to a folder.  I have tried Perform Action: Send Email from the list of Rule Actions, as well as this script:function sendMail(){  var mai...

fromano by Champ in-the-making
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Algunas dudas sobre transactional queries

Buenas,acabamos de pasar a la versión 5.0.2 de Alfresco (veníamos de la 4.1.6) con la intención, sobretodo, de mejorar el tiempo de respuesta en las búsquedas, que con grandes cantidades de información se hacía excesivamente lento.El principal cambio...

spilby by Confirmed Champ
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Override site-index.jsp - Script Auth issues

Hello!I want to override the site-index.jsp by changing it redirection option from the user dashboard to the site which the user is a member of, as I saw here: created my custom-site-index.js...

Online Edit: Microsoft Office crashes after Patch Day Oct 2015

Dear community, I am running an Alfresco Community Edition 5.0d 64bit on Ubuntu 14.04 with a https-enabled Sharepoint protocol. Until Oct 13 everything worked smoothly, i.e. Online Edit worked like a charm. On Oct 13 a large patch was distributed tha...

peter_w by Champ in-the-making
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Change Alfresco to use SSL and 'Share' stops authenticating!

Hi,Sorry to ask a question that has been discussed a few times before, but I cannot find a solution to this issue that works for me!I have created a new server (CentOS release 6.2) for Alfresco and downloaded and installed the latest released version...

webberj by Champ on-the-rise
  • 14 replies
  • 2 kudos

Alfresco en red

Saludos comunidad.Es necesario que para que las demas computadoras tengan acceso a alfresco, lo instale en la computadora que sera servidor, con una IP estatica verdad ? y en las demas computadoras tendre que mover el DNS o solo basta con escrbir en ...

phottozen by Champ in-the-making
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Deleting old files

We are running Enterprise - v4.2.4 for our QA environments.  Over the last year or so, we created a lot of content.du -sh contentstore78G     contentstoredu -a contentstore | wc -l1289235I would like to delete all files that are over a month old as o...