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Forum Posts

Modifier les permissions à la création d'un NodeRef

Bonjour,Je développe actuellement un traitement permettant de générer un PDF à partir d'un NodeRef existant, puis de modifier les droits sur le NodeRef du PDF généré.Lors de la modification des droits, une partie n'est pas réalisé : je souhaite ajout...

amandine_b by Champ in-the-making
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setInheritParentPermissions not applied

Hi,I'm working on a java code which create a new PDF and modify permissions of it.I try to set the inherit permissions to false but it's not applied. The PDF still have inheritance at the end of the execution.private void droitsDuPDF() {   Permission...

amandine_b by Champ in-the-making
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Dokumentenbibliothek Spalten wählen

Hallo,ich bin ein Neuling, was Alfresco angeht, daher bitte ich um Nachsicht, falls die Frage bereits an anderer Stelle steht; über die Suche habe ich leider nichts passendes gefunden. Und zwar teste ich gerade Alfresco Community v5.0.0.Meine Frage w...

rg_iehk by Champ in-the-making
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Deploy a .bpmn file

Hi everybody,i want to deploy a BPMN-file with the REST-API. But i always get a Bad Request (400) error…Has anybody an idea what i'm doing wrong??? My code is below.Thank your very much import;import;import org.json.J...

jaksur by Champ in-the-making
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Actualizar de 4.2.d a 5.0

buenasEstoy trabando en producción con una versión de alfresco comunity 4.2.d y me gustaría pasarla a la ultima version de alfresco comunity 5.0.No me gustaría perder usuarios, grupos, aspectos, reglas en espacios y permisos de dichos espacios, como ...

camachompi by Champ in-the-making
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Web Application Shutting down due to async job

Dear all,When I try to start the application Activiti Explorer, I have got the following error:[localhost-startStop-1] INFO  org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer  - Loading properties file from class path resource [u...

mwm1 by Champ in-the-making
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occupazione disco esagerata

non mi funzionava piu' alfresco e alla fine ho capito che era perche' il disco e' pieno al 100%. Ma come e' possibile che alfresco da solo occupi 800GB a fronte di meno di 25GB di dati presenti nel repository??e c'e' modo di farlo estendere su piu' d...

qmiki by Champ in-the-making
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aikau upgrade

Hi all,I'm using Alfresco 5.0.d and I'd like to upgrade aikau to the latest 1.0.44 version.I've downloaded/compiled it from github, but I don't know the best way to upgrade current aikau version in share.Could somebody advise on the properly way to u...

Java engine and ldap configuration problem

Hi,I have a little problem with ldap configuration under java aplication. After configureing activiti engine and ldap IdentityService do not find existing ldap user. (Given user exists in ldap - i have checked that using DirContext and the same ldap ...

rmadaow by Champ in-the-making
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Using SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation with Alfresco

This is a crosspost from stackoverflow:<strong>Background</strong>Alfresco uses the default database transaction isolation, which for our Oracle databas...