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exclusive gateway problem - choice do not works

Hi all,I begin to use Activiti and I sketched the simplest work-flow containing a gateway (see file at the end of the message).It doesn't work.Within the JUnit test in Eclipse, everything works well, but in the Activity Explorer, I have an error: - e...

larry by Champ in-the-making
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Echec bulk import pour Windows sur lecteur réseau

Bonjour,Infos Système:J'utilise Alfresco 4.2.e sur Windows Server 2008 R2.J'ai installé Alfresco avec l'installeur, avec les paramètres par défaut.J'ai configurer l'authentification LDAPJ'ai configurer le Webdav et l'IMAPJ'ai ajouté un module pour la...

Error logging into Alfresco Share

I am following Jeff Tutorial series. I followed the steps as in Since I do not have a free 8080 port, I gave the below mentioned commands for repo and share r...

dorothy by Champ on-the-rise
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Display CIFS URL in Share DocumentLibrary Details

Hi, everyoneI want to display CIFS URL in share document library details screen.In default settings,it's displayed share url and webdav url in folder-link section of documentlibrary.I use share and CIFS for accessing alfresco,so I want to display CIF...

junminya by Champ on-the-rise
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Problema grave: RepositoryServiceSoapBindingStub con Alfresco 5.0?

Buenos días,me encuentro con un problema muy grave. Hemos cambiado a Alfresco 5.0, hemos hecho cambio en el modelo, añadido behaviors, aspectos y varias cosas más. Tenemos unos webscripts que hemos actualizado, y de momento todo bien sin problemas.Ll...

spilby by Confirmed Champ
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Resume Execution using REST in Alfresco Activiti

Hi,I have a service task with class referring to a Delegate that is extending TaskActivityBehavior.Objectivence the process instance is started, the execution pauses at this Service task and want to resume only after a signal is received.I could resu...

skrish by Champ in-the-making
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Export folders / files to local file system

Hi,Currently we have an Alfresco 4.0 implementation and are wondering if it's possible to export a folder with subfolders/ files to the local file system, or whether we will need to use the API in order to achieve this?Cheers,Paul

pt-tier2 by Champ in-the-making
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Boundary signal causes: already taking a transition

Hi there, We're using activiti since June and we have different running instances of several processes and everything works great. But now, I have a problem - and I don't know if I missunderstand some parts of BPMN and/or the use case was not correct...

dengee by Champ in-the-making
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Ajax calls and firefox

Hey,recently I noticed that Ajax webscripts calls are always returning an empty object when I'm using Firefox. Here is an example structure showing how I call my webscripts:url = Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + "path/to/my/webscripts"Alfresco.util.Aja...

sihnu by Champ in-the-making
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Event never thrown when task assigned in user code.

in I see this @ line 547    // if there is no command context, then it means that the user is calling the     // setAssignee outside a service method.  E.g. while creating a new task.    if (commandContext!=null) {      commandContext...

rosselet by Champ in-the-making
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