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Forum Posts

Deploying Activiti Explorer to Alfresco 4.0b

Hi All,Is it possible to deploy Activiti Explorer to Alfresco tomcat to manage Alfresco built-in Activiti installation? I've changed the Activiti rest activiti.cfg.xml file to point to the Alfresco database and copied the Activiti rest and explorer w...

Custom form field controller not working

Hi,I am trying to create a custom form field and so followed the steps given in the documentation (dynamic pie chart) though the button show up, "on-click" funct...

sindhana by Champ in-the-making
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Why does Activiti TaskListener extend

I would like to know the reason why Activiti TaskListener was made to extend TaskListener extends , if the implementation classes for TaskListener use references to other classes , the code review too...

gkd_deepak by Champ in-the-making
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Unable to create Archived Task?

Hello. I'd like to ask where did I go wrong in this. I made a process and then I started it and completed it. However, the task does not appear in the Archived Task panel. Where did I go wrong in this? What needs to be done? FYI, there is this line i...

chrisx_212 by Champ in-the-making
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Removing LDAP integration but maintaining users locally

Hi,I'm trying to disable the current LDAP integration that we have on our Alfresco installation but I don't want to lose the LDAP-originating users and roles in the process.How can I migrate LDAP-integrated users so that they become local Alfresco us...

kvadning by Champ in-the-making
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Display custom type properties only

I have a custom content type,which display properly among standard properties when editing the form. What I want is to display only my custom content type properties without writing all the <hide id=""/> ‍‍

ebuild by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco Upgrade - Problem with old aspect

Hello!We haved upgraded Alfresco Community from 4.2c to 5.0d.We used the AddOn FME Datalist Extension (fme-alfresco-extdl) at Alfresco 4.2c. Now at 5.0d we didn't install the Datalist Extension and so we have some problems with old datalistitems in S...

tatatanja by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Wiki

Hi,how about an Activiti Wiki instead of "documenting" everything in a User forum?This would also would be a great progress for the one-page userguide. Some of the chapters would get more depth, or it would be easier to describe variants of configura...

tzaenker by Champ in-the-making
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Missing ldap subsystem in community 5.1.e

I am not able to find the ldap subsystem as described in Authentication directory does not contain a ldap directory# ls -l tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/su...

mfriedel by Champ in-the-making
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Change the Page title of alfresco 5.0

Hi,I've changed the title of page title of Alfresco to custom name from filewebapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\web-extension\messages\slingshot_en.propertiesBut i still see the 'Alfresco' title on the search page.The title got changed on other pa...