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Forum Posts

Value Constraints

I see in some of the UML models on the Wiki that at least some thought was given to value constraints on properties.  Looking at the schema (.\repository\config\alfresco\model\modelschema.xsd).  Is that something that is already implemented or is it ...

How to find remote stores

Just one last question before the weekend.I have my apps running on my Alfresco server, and I can run the examples ( well most of them !)The examples only return the stores from the locla server. How do I return teh stores from a remote server ?

drbaz by Champ in-the-making
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solaris installation

HiWe have a customer that wants a production deployment of Alfresco. The problem is that he wants it on  Sun machines with SPARC architecture, Solaris 8-9, and WebLogic 8.1 or 9. In my company, we have some experience with Sun AMD64/RedHat AS/JBoss o...

jdesto by Champ in-the-making
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Running WebServiceSamples outside Eclipse IDE

II have "copied" the delivered WebServiceSample java code to my own classes - CMCLExample1, CMCLExample2 etc etc The code for CMCLExample1 is identical to WebServiceSample1 except for the  passWordCallbackClass which is defined as <parameter name='pa...

drbaz by Champ in-the-making
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Installation Problem existing tomcat

When I'm trying to install alfresco on my existing tomcat installation, it won't work. (Gentoo linux)This is what I did:- Copied the alfresco.war file to the webapps folder of my tomcat- Copied the mysql-connecter from the libs directory to the libs ...

stuf by Champ in-the-making
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Problem running WebServiceExample1 in RemoteAPI project

When I run the org.alfresco.example.webservce.sample.WebServiceExample1, I get the following error:Exception in thread "main" AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: org.xml.sax...

drbaz by Champ in-the-making
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A question re peroming an upload of a file in java

I can understand how the WebServiceSamples create new content in Alfresco by using contentService.create method. But the examples only show how to create the content from a String.I want to upload a file i.e. createContent from a file - and I'm not s...

drbaz by Champ in-the-making
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The node's content is missing (after Webdav copyMethod)

Hi,   I am using Alfresco 1.0 on Linux. I am using Jakarta Webdav client to access the store. I can create files and directories without a problem. But, I am unable to 'copy'  files. After I create a file, I attempt to make a copy in the same directo...

Will Alfresco Open Source have a customer portal?

Hi everyone, This question in mainly to the developers of alfresco. Will the open source version have a customer portal?This is an essential request because its a very important feature of a free open source CMS.Why should we use a different portal w...

panosilio by Champ in-the-making
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