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Forum Posts

Bonjour à tous et merci pour vos réponses à mon...

Bonjour à tous et merci pour vos réponses à mon post precedent Apres l'install d'Alfresco en local et des tests concluants, je dois passer au niveau supérieur Est il possible d'avoir un upload sur un autre serveur, un autre emplacement Je m'explique ...

Comment peut on gérér les droits d'acces sur des...

Bonjour,Comment peut on gérér les droits d'acces sur des dossiers (espace de travail) et des fichiers;Je m'explique, je souhaiterais pouvoir rendre accesible a la visualisation/ consultation certain espace par un groupe d'ulilisateur ou des utilisate...

Using Alfresco to generate reports and send email attachment

I was wondering if it was possible to use Alfresco to generate reports.For example could it be used to generate a change report, or a report on the number of documents in 'review', 'recently approved', etc spaces.Also if it can generate reports, is i...

y334 by Champ in-the-making
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Where is *the real* ?

It was there for every release ( ie. As there's no method to get it from svn,  would you please just put it there? This is just throwing stones in the path of a contributor…regards,Tom

Detail View Customization, How to?

When we go to the detail view we see the a fixed set of properties (Name, Description, Size, Created, Modified, Actions) for the contents.I would like to get rid of the created and modified and add the Author type and some custom types created.Is thi...

manmeet by Champ in-the-making
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Dialog and Wizard Framework for 1.3

There's a new entry on my blog announcing the new dialog and wizard framework we are adding to 1.3 and the effect it will have.Feel free to leave any feedback you have in this forum.Cheers,

gavinc by Champ in-the-making
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J'effectue un stage pour une société souhaitant...

Bonjour,J'effectue un stage pour une société souhaitant faire une GED pour géré les projets déja réalisé dans l'entreprise (Une base documentaire).Je souhaiterai savoir si il est possible d'importer des fichiers en masse (stocké dans des dossiers / s...

How to access remote alfresco server using web service?

Hi Everybody,     Whenever i try to run webservice examples in sdk,it looks like  the webservice code uses the localhost by default.But i want to access remote alfresco server.Even i tried by changing the repository url like, repository.location=http...

kishore by Champ in-the-making
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error when adding file

Hi,I use 1.3GA, when I upload file to server, at the Modify metadata step, I receive the following erroravax.faces.FacesException: org.apache.jasper.JasperExceptioncaused byrg.apache.jasper.JasperExceptioncaused by:java.lang.NullPointerExceptionẨn Ch...

vpoorboy by Champ in-the-making
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WebClient and JCR

Hi,I have a very simple requirement to write from webclient and read it through JCR and vice-versa.  I am using out of the box webclient and FirstJCRClient sample from SDK. Only thing I changed is that dir.root pointing to the same file location for ...

dreddy by Champ in-the-making
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