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Forum Posts

JSF Error on Non-Admin Login

Recently an error started appearing, and has become more common until it now affects all non-administrative users.  Upon logging in to the system, an error is repeatedly generated. I am set up via NTLM with a chain through the local authentication.  ...

sfamiliar by Champ in-the-making
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Release tagging of documents

Hi,Is there any possible way to tag a bundle of documents stored on a given space (and it's nested sub-spaces)?Our goal is to have something equivalent to the "release tagging" feature of a version control system like CVS.This could helps us manage d...

cneto by Champ in-the-making
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Configure location for alf_data

I need to change the location in the configuration somewhere of where the alf_data folder is located.Can anyone tell me what files and where i can locate this configuration setting in order to change it?Regards Wendy

wcameron by Champ in-the-making
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j'ai besoin de l'avis d'expert pour mon besoin.Je...

Bonjour,j'ai besoin de l'avis d'expert pour mon besoin.Je dois creer un nouveau type de document contenant un certain nombre de proprieté (text, list …)J'ai pour cela 2 possibilités :- un nouveau content type- un aspect pour le content type par defau...

Urgent WCM questions!

HelloOur company is in a process of offering an Enterprise J2EE portal platform (including Enterprise WCM) to one of our enterprise clients.Please your answers to following questions ASAP regarding Liferay Portal and WebSphere Portal:1.   Does Alfres...

hertzel by Champ in-the-making
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First Foundation Client - Bad Credentials

I'm struggling with the First Foundation Client sample in the SDK. I've installed the WCM preview release ona  Win XP machine. The error I get is 'bad credentials presented', and the line of code that trips this error is:authenticationService.authent...

sturner by Champ in-the-making
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Je viens d'installer la 1.4 et j'ai un soucis car...

Bonjour,Je viens d'installer la 1.4  et j'ai un soucis car j'ai modifié le fichier file-servers-custom.xml ("crogram FilesAlfresco ECMS Community Networktomcatsharedclassesalfrescoextensionfile-servers-custom.xml" ) et mes modifications ne sont pas p...

rgouyet by Champ in-the-making
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Bonjour tout le monde :) ,je viens de me mettre...

Bonjour tout le monde ,je viens de me mettre sur alfresco, et je suis nouveau dans ce forum (qui m'a l'air fort intéressant).J'aimerais savoir où ce que je peux trouver de la documentation pour l'intégration LDAP à Alfresco, d'apres les messages que...

alpha by Champ in-the-making
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Task assigment exception

I tried to write a workflow which used the task assignment mechanism described in the Workflow Administration section of the Wiki.It deploys ok but when I start the workflow (using the "Start Advenced Workflow" command from the context menu of a docu...

kerkira67 by Champ in-the-making
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Assigning tasks based on task variables

Hi,I would like to know how to assign a task based on a task variable specified in a previous task.In my case I have an initiator, which specifies a department name in the start task. The following task should be assigned based on the department name...

kerkira67 by Champ in-the-making
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