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Forum Posts

alfresco 1.4 on liferay 4+

Hi, Are the previously posted instructions for deploying alfresco 1.3 onto an existing liferay server relevant when trying to install alfresco 1.4 to a liferay server? And can we use a newer version of liferay like 4.1.2 with alfresco 1.4 yet, I know...

simonmags by Champ in-the-making
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Freemarker search performance

There are multiple ways to find documents or list a directory in a FreeMarker template:<#list companyhome.childByNamePath["Data Dictionary/Presentation Templates"].children as child><#list companyhome.childrenByXPath["*[@cm:name='Data Dictionary']/*[...

simon by Champ in-the-making
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import user data from LDAP

I can successfully authenticate my Alfresco 1.4 instance against LDAP.  However, once logged in and I go to user properties my First Name shows as my login (not my first name), Last Name and Email Address are both blank.  I know my LDAP server has th...

linuxos77 by Champ in-the-making
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catogory creation

hi,i am trying to create a new classification  for our system, i need some help.step 1) i created a container type node (name: categorycontainer).step 2) i created a root category under it ( name: questions).step 3) i created a category under it (nam...

pmarreddy by Champ in-the-making
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LDAP 1.4 : define another folder for user homes ?

Hi , LDAP Users importing is configured and working OK . However , is it possible to define something like /app:company_home/homes so that all user homes are created into /Alfresco/homes/_UserUID_ instead of /Alfresco/_UserUID ? I probably have to de...

rguinot by Confirmed Champ
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authenticate using uid as ldap attribute & questions

I can authenticate against our ldap server with Community Alfresco 1.3.0, using this userNameFormat :employeenumber=%s,ou=person,o=myuniversity,c=be<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC '-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN' 'http://www.spr...

bparis by Champ in-the-making
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Is there a Reminder function in Alfresco ??

Hi,I have a problem. I need a reminder function in alfresco. For example if a document get invalid at 2007, i will get a reminder email 2 weeks before the document become invalid. I hope you understand what I`m searching for. Maybe there is an remind...

Alfresco WebServices JavaDoc?

Hi there,I've noticed that the Web Services client jar doesn't appear to come with a JavaDoc file that is viewable. I took a look at the source and found that there wasn't much in there either. However, I find that just having the structured JavaDoc ...

aurora7795 by Champ in-the-making
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Adding HTML content, Alfresco 1.4

There seems to be an unwanted transformation of context when adding HTML content into an Alfresco space. It shows up when I view the HTML document I just added. It seems like there is some kind of parsing involved where "&nbsp", " ' ", bulleted items...

hannes by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Document Index

Dear All,I represent a large Logistics company in Malaysia. The company wants to adapt Alfresco for document management.I believe there was an evaluation done. One of the key requirements is as follows:1. Maintaining custom document indexes for diffe...

sudhash by Champ in-the-making
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