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ImporterException: Non-root node has not primary parent

Fresh install on Windows XP, JBoss-4.0.5, MySQL 5.0 -> OKFresh install on Linux, JBoss-4.0.5, MySQL 5.0-> FAILEDDeleted alf_data directory and recreate database before each try.Any hints?  ThanksDavidException2006-12-19 16:01:48,105 ERROR [org.spring...

dduchaine by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco jboss

Hi all, I'm testing Alfresco on different plateform. I runs well on Tomcat with MySql but not on jboss. I would like to run the war (without the jboss portal stuff) into my own jboss 4.0.5 but it takes a long time to populate the Alfresco tables.  If...

clombart by Champ in-the-making
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Bonsoir,En version 1.4 d'Alfresco, j'ai ajouté sur...

Bonsoir,En version 1.4 d'Alfresco, j'ai ajouté sur un document, grace à l'assistant d'action personnalisé, la propriété "Supprimer après", j'ai ensuite renseigné une date de "péremption" mais rien ne s'est passé lorsque la date a été dépassée.Avez vo...

Implement Alfresco funtionalities as portlets

Hi,I plan to develop some portlets which make use of alfresco services (not web services). My porlets need to access to node service, search service and other alfresco services. I will deploy these portlets in liferay. I wonder if my portlets would h...

tiennd by Champ in-the-making
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Bonsoir,J'ai une demande toute simple. Je voudrais...

Bonsoir,J'ai une demande toute simple. Je voudrais faire en sorte que le contenu d'un fichier HTML soit affiché dans la partie haute de l'écran ("Custom View") lorsque j'affiche un répertoire.Si le fichier est présent (nom identique pour chaque réper...

rgouyet by Champ in-the-making
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[Solved] Problem : Create a new role

Hi everybody,I'm working on the alfresco project for my company, and it seems to be very powerful. But, however , I got some trouble … Let me explain:I want to have a workflow (not very difficult, for this step  :wink: )So I have 3 folders:  => "Draf...

emmanuel by Champ in-the-making
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Link to document from external website

Group,Is there a way to have an external website link to a document in the alfresco system?  This would be great if we could accomplish this.Any ideas on this?Thanks!-Matt

mrudmann by Champ in-the-making
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Command Processors

I use custom class that implements, i wrote validateArguments method that returns true and I added in the web-client-config.xml the command-processor, then i put the jar with the my class in the l...

anfy2002us by Champ in-the-making
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How i can change script service security ?

Hi,I did a workflow with script that move docs from a space to another.Users are collaborator on both spaces. When users start workflow, they have error "access denied" because they are not owner of document so they can copy it but don't move it !So,...

ribz33 by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco integration with CAS with Acegi

Hello everybody,we'd like to submit you the way we integrated Alfresco with our CAS, asking you for help on (at least) a couple of doubts we have.The relevant part of web.xml we used is:<filter>          <filter-name>Acegi CAS Processing Filter</filt...

escaglia by Champ in-the-making
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