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Forum Posts

CIFS broken/disabled in 2.0?

Are there any alfresco folks monitoring these forums? It's been very quiet lately, and a lot of people are struggling.I have a 1.4 instance running on linux, and I was able to mount alfresco locally, with no special configuration, using this simple m...

ftoth by Champ in-the-making
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Samba and Alfresco

Apologies if this is a repost, but after going through the archives for a bit, I still hadn't found what I am looking for so here goes.I've installed a test instance of the final Alfresco 2.0 Community release on a Windows box that has admin privileg...

atariq by Champ in-the-making
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read an image using webservices ?

Hi,my requirement is in my application i need to display the image stored in alfresco in a jsp.  does anybody have the code (webservices) to read the image.Thanks in advance.Regards,lalli.

lalli by Champ in-the-making
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Problems creating new users

Strange problem:I have seven users and two groups on the system. I have tried to add other user and it doesn't work fine. The user cannot entry to system, but it says that the user don't exist, but I can see on the list after of press button "show al...

ejml by Champ in-the-making
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Does port forwarding (i.e. 80->8080) cause issues with WC

Should it make any difference to the WCM client if there is a port forward envolved?i.e. Alfresco is running on default 8080 on a linux box and the front end firewall port forwards from port 80 (external port) to port 8080 (internal port)?Might expla...

Access to Web folder with spaces

Hello,We are acceding to a template that visualizes the set to us of folders (in a Web Project) daughters of one given, but when the folder father has a space, it does not give back anything. We are using the following instruction: http://ppcjalvarez...

princess by Champ in-the-making
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Help with searching

I recently installed the new release of Alfresco 2.0 and am giving it a test whirl and I have come to understand that the search engine supports Lucene. I must admit here that I have no prior knowledge in Lucene queries and I was hoping someone would...

atariq by Champ in-the-making
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Delete default English Language ?

I've installed other languages on Alfresco and now I'd like to delete the default english language because I know that nobody is gonna use it in the company (we're poor english speakers unfortunatly…).How can I do that ? Or, at least, how can I delet...

tamax by Champ in-the-making
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Employees buried in email: need task & issue tracking

Employees are overwhelmed trying to track their many responsibilities in email.  Threads get dropped.  Collective memory in our large enterprise is fleeting.After much thought I believe a key feature for ECM to get traction is  task management.Here i...

dado by Champ in-the-making
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Question From a Newb :¬)

Hello,I want to start a project with Alfresco 2.0 using Ubuntu 6.10 for OS.Full Alfresco package contains everything ok, but Ubuntu already have OpenOffice installed. Do i have to remove it before installing Alfresco 2.0(Dont forget i'm a newb  :twis...