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Forum Posts

Condition on objectType

Hi there,I want to custom my wizard with two different ways. So I add this step :<step name="content" title-id="enter_content" description-id="create_content_step2_desc">               <condition if="#{CreateContentWizard.objectType == '{my.ref.model...

jeremys by Champ in-the-making
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Workflows and space heirarchies

I have a space called SOPs (Statndard Operating Procedures)Under SOPs I have a spaces called Drafts, pending approval, and published.Under drafts, pending, and published I have spaces for Milling, Finishing, Testing…Just like in the demo I want to cr...

invantix by Champ in-the-making
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Workflow rule approve move and convert.

I would like to creat a rule so that when the approver approves the document it not only moves the file to the published folder, it will also convert it to PDF.Thanks

invantix by Champ in-the-making
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javascript custom errors

I have a content rule that executes a script. This script validates property data before moving the document to another space. Is it possible to send an error message back to the user in javascript, such as "Please enter all property data, title prop...

mchernecki by Champ in-the-making
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Auditing in Alfresco Community 1.4

Hi All,Is there a way that I can audit which user account did what action in Alfresco Community 1.4? I've tried using phpMyAdmin to scour the alfresco MySQL database and there are 49 tables to query. I tried querying the table called "alf_audit_fact"...

cmathieu by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with custom config-action

Hi,I have some problem when I want to display additional buttons in the "more actionmenu".I have redefined the "browse_actions_menu" action-group but I don't see my  new entries.–> Is there a "easy" way to see (with log4j or somethink else) what is g...

clincks by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco and cross-site attack

I am able to upload the following HTML document in Alfresco which may contain some malicious Javascript:<html>   <head>   </head>   <body>      <script type="text/javascript">         alert("You have been XSS attacked!");      </script>   </body></ht...

warrenzhai by Champ in-the-making
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Installation OK, but Alfresco doesn't start ...

I work with:- Alfresco 1.4- Apache Tomcat 5.5- MySQL 5.0- Java JRE + JDK 1.5.0_09all under Windows XP.I installed the war file with the help of Tomcat installer for web apps. But Tomcat wasn't able to start Alfresco. MySQL runs well. Everything looks...

hr61369256 by Champ in-the-making
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web service > Alfresco > WebDAV server?

I'm currently using a different CMS, but need to enable it for a very simple web service (get a CMS file, replace it with the doc from the web service). As a short term workaround, I'm wondering if Alfresco could act as the web service "listener" and...

dafletcha by Champ in-the-making
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Websphere MQ

We have a requirement of using Alfresco 2.0 with Websphere MQ which is a tool where flows can be defined.Anyone know how to integrate it with Afresco, then please write back.Thanks