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Forum Posts

How read aspect fields values in a custom constraint

Hi,I have developped a custom constraint. This constraint is linked to a field in an aspect.In this constraint, I need to read values in other fields of the aspect.I tried String val = (String) context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().ge...

nahanni by Champ in-the-making
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How i can get the Group associated with the current user?I want a dashlet for this….if [GROUP=="A"] then    show image1if [GROUP=="B"] then    show image2…thank u

sgomes by Champ in-the-making
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How to use BaseAlfrescoSpringTest

Hi All,I am developing a custom action and would like to add a Unit test to it especially to ease the devlopment cycle.As a starting point I used the SDK custom aspect project, which contains a Unit test, but that unit test won't run.Can someone plea...

legolas by Champ in-the-making
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Setting Node Type???

I am trying to understand how to set a node type of a particular space or content.  If I were to create a new node type called my:myspace and when I create the space make sure it gets set.  How do I do that?Also set an existing space to a particular ...

nyronian by Champ in-the-making
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People p = new People();String g = "myGroup";Node grupo = p.getGroup(g);Node[] no = p.getMembers(grupo);java.lang.NullPointerExceptionwhy?

sgomes by Champ in-the-making
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Bonjour a tous,j'ai un server LDAP qui tourne j'arrive...

Bonjour a tous,j'ai un server LDAP qui tourne j'arrive apparemment a récupérer lesutilisateur que je désire (j'ai verifié ils apparaissent dans la tablealf_access_control_entry dans Dans la table dedié a Alfresco)J'arrive a me connecter en précisant ...

zeth_4310 by Champ in-the-making
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Bonjour chers amis.Je voudrais s'il vous plait savoir...

Bonjour chers amis.Je voudrais s'il vous plait savoir s'il serait possible de permettre à un utilisateur de ne voir que l'espace auquel il a été assigné. En effet, quand je crée des utilisateurs et les assigne aux espaces de travail, à la connexion i...

pempy by Champ in-the-making
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bonjour,petite question : quand un utilisateur simple...

bonjour,petite question : quand un utilisateur simple se connecte a l'interface alfresco il arrive sur 'mon tableau de bord', j'aimerai qu'il arrive directement sur 'espace invite'pour les utilisateurs renseignes dans la base, pas de probleme, clic s...

afif by Champ in-the-making
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Issues when using LinuxInstaller for community edition

I've installed Alfresco on a few distros using the LinuxInstallers, and all appeared to go well.  I can access alfresco without issue and can upload/edit and pretty much do all the document management that I want.  The problem comes when I want to do...

forcev by Champ in-the-making
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