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Workflow read only UI

Hi, I've a simple question: I've a (custom) association defined in the startTask of a workflow. I want that association to be "insertable", that is not editable in tasks other than the start task (through the UI) . I tried using    show-in-edit-mode=...

problems with the document's versions of a

We are modifying continuously a document, and have verified that for each 50 document's versions, the time increases around 4 seconds, It´s to say: version 1 to 50:6 seconds version 51 to 100:10 secondsversion 101 to 150:14 seconds version 151 to 20...

optional elements with minOccurs 0 doesn't work?

Hi,I want to create optional elements in my web forms.I've defined a form something like this:<xs:complexType name="myType">  <xs:sequence>    <xs:element name="name" type="xs:normalizedString"/>    <xs:element name="value" type="xs:normalizedString"...

bjornl by Champ in-the-making
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add children to bpm_package (adv workflow)

hi allI'm trying to add some content (cm:content) to a workflow. I was sarching for a function like addNode or addChild in the wiki and the forums but couldn't find anything. So if somebody knows how to accomplish that I'd be happy to get a hint :-)J...

lorenz by Champ in-the-making
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(How) Create content rule for a Group??

Hi,I try to create a content rule for inbound groups. It is possible?? I do not see link to "Manage Content Rules" in the "administration console" > "Manage User Groups". How can i extend web-client-config-custom.xml for do this??Thanks a lot.

ajv by Champ in-the-making
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avmRemote to local filesystem

Hi all,I understood that the avmRemote component allows a RMI connection to the Alfresco repository in order to be able to virtualize sites in the Virtualization server but is there a way to automaticaly redirect the avmRemote to the local filesystem...

pcuvecle by Champ in-the-making
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Y'a t'il un moyen de verifier si alfresco a pris...

Bonjour,Y'a t'il un moyen de verifier si alfresco a pris en compte la base de donnée mysql ?En effet pendant l'installation, il ne m'a été rien demandé comme login/password et base. Est ce normale ?Et pourtant tout semble fonctionner.Merci de votre a...

spham by Champ in-the-making
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execute javascript directly on JSP

Hi,I try this, to get the person first name, in javascript …       var name =;       document.write(name);but the variavle person is not defined…. ops: can someone give me a litle help here….thanks very much!

ze by Champ in-the-making
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Base64 encoded content

Hi all,I have noticed that the content exported with session.exportSystemView(), gets Base 64 encoded in the class org.alfresco.jcr.exporter.JCRSystemXMLExporter.Why is this and is there a way to circumvent this behavior?This does prevent importing t...

legolas by Champ in-the-making
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customModel.xml & java API

Hi,I added a new aspect (ThumbnailAspect) into the customModel.xml,it all works fine via the alfresco web client but when i'm tring to use itvia the java API i get:The aspect is invalid: {custom.model}ThumbnailAspecthow should i config the environmen...

shay by Champ in-the-making
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