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Forum Posts

j'essaie d'ajouter l'extension RM à alfresco. Tout...

Bonjour,j'essaie d'ajouter l'extension RM à alfresco. Tout semble marcher. mais quand je lance alfresco et juste après l'authentification je recoit l'erreur suivante ("Erreur System")javax.faces.FacesException: Error calling action method of componen...

tegyat by Champ in-the-making
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alfresco.war install

hiI've here the alfresco.war (tomcat and mysql are isntalled) and want to use alfresco…  what does I've to do?I saved the .war file in the webapps dir of my tomcat server - if I start tomcat, then it creates a new dir called "alfresco"but if I want t...

globestern by Champ in-the-making
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adding metadata for a version of a content?

Hi,i need some help with a question about extending the metadata. Is it possible to extend the metadata so that every version has its own metadata? Infos like virtuell folder, checksum, checksum type, and so on.I did not find anything in the wiki abo...

madmattis by Champ in-the-making
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J'essaie de configurer le serveur CIFS mais sans...

Bonjour,J'essaie de configurer le serveur CIFS mais sans succès.Voici le contexte :Je travaille sur une VMWare qui se nomme VMJAVAALFRESCO sur le domaine VMJAVA.J'ai téléchargé l'extension Firefox 0.91 pour CIFS.Mon fichier file-server.xml est tel qu...

serv by Champ in-the-making
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display Properties

Hello,i have Programmed a Search by i would display the result in the following way:NAME  TITLE DESCRIPTIONhow do i get these 3 properties?It is very important for me.Thanks a lotregardsdanisowa

danisowa by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco distribution contains malware?

I had installed the Alfresco 2.0 community edition for Windows a while ago. After a SOPHOS anti-virus update yesterday 3 files within the Alfresco distribution were marked to contain malware and were removed:Virus 'Mal/Behav-128' has been detected in...

fschnell by Champ in-the-making
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Content type properties

Hi,I'd like to know where can I find all the values that can be used when a property is being defined for a new content type. (I've seen int, text, any, datetime…)Thank you very much

mcruz by Champ in-the-making
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How to Rollback the webscript not using WebScriptException?

How do I make Alfresco rollback the transaction when my DeclarativeWebscript discovers an error?All my REST-calls return an XML (with the Freemaker Template) that has a standard format containing a status-tag. So I am not interested in the error gene...

kasperba by Champ in-the-making
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Salut,J'ai installé alfresco 2.0 sans aucun problemes,...

Salut,J'ai installé alfresco 2.0 sans aucun problemes, il fonctionne mais je souhaiterai aller plus loin.J'ai une base d'utilisateurs LDAP situé quelque part sur internet et j'ai le droit d'y acceder.Je souhaiterais juste savoir comment faire pour sy...

bigorno by Champ in-the-making
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Bonjour à tous,OS du serveur Alfresco : W2k3Annuaire...

Bonjour à tous,OS du serveur Alfresco : W2k3Annuaire Ldap : AD sur W2k3Alfresco : 20 JbossDB : Mysql 5.0jdk : 1.5Je travaille actuellement sur la version Alfresco 2.0. Je souhaitais tester le Workflow avancé, j'ai donc opté pour la version Jboss afin...

fado by Champ in-the-making
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