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Forum Posts

Configration/Implemetaion Question

Hi,I'm playing with an alfresco 2.0 installation.I'm looging for a way to setup "sets" or "kits" of documents of different types. A set/kit is a logical package of documents Each set/kit should include multiple documents and should be identified sepa...

testingit by Champ in-the-making
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rebuild indexes Alfresco 1.2

Hi, i have a production Alfresco installation based on Alfresco 1.2 (with MySQL) in a Ubuntu Dapper box.My problems is that i can't login in webclient with a valid user account.I have read that is a problem with the lucens-indexes in the alf_data dir...

josefu by Champ in-the-making
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Bonjour chers amisExcusez moi pour les prochaines...

Bonjour chers amisExcusez moi pour les prochaines questions qui vont peut etre vous paraitre idiotes. Je suis debutant sous alfresco et j'utilise la version 2.0 Community Network. En effet, je souhaiterais savoir comment cacher à un utilisateur certa...

pempy by Champ in-the-making
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Je suis entrain de tester Alfreso et notament la...

Je suis entrain de tester Alfreso et notament la possibilité de pouvoir définir son propre model/propriétés.Pour cela il faut définir le custom model ds un fichier XML puis redeployer l'application (le war) pour que les modifs soient prisent en compt...

abrugger by Champ in-the-making
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Is it possible to approve documents by mail?

In the organisation which I am part, we are interested in approve documentsby mail. I was looking for that feature an I think is not possible, you can do at least a notification to the author of the document and add a link to the document.Does anybod...

melkor_kp by Champ in-the-making
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does alfresco support LDAP

hi,can u tell me ,alfresoc support LDAP(lightweight directory acess protocol),thanks in advance,

mustufa by Champ in-the-making
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Calling external webservice from Alfresco

Hi all,I am looking for a way to call an external webservice from Alfresco.We are integrating Alfresco into our product and therefore need Alfresco to send information to our application.Can this be done with the JavaScript possibilities in Alfresco?...

markhayen by Champ in-the-making
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Scheduled Actions:The java implementation,how does it works?

Hi,I got a look at which explain the concept of scheduled actions. It is quite good but I know we need to reference java code to run the scheduled action. Particularly, we have to implement a java bean,...

kroax by Champ in-the-making
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Links (.URL files) do not use FQDN!?

Hi,We are facing a problem concerning the .url files, as we created some links within the web interface. The problem is that these files only contain the server name, but not its FQDN. Clients which don't have the DNS suffix set properly end up with ...

comment faire pour que l'on puisse quand meme démarrer...

comment faire pour que l'on puisse quand meme démarrer une discussion malgrés que l'on ne soit que 'invité' sur le contenu d'un document ou un espace car lorsque l'on est ivité la possiblité n'est pas là ou alors il faut diminuer les restriction mais...

brunotony by Champ in-the-making
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