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I want to integrate liferay with Alfresco CMS. But I dont want hot deploy of alfresco war file in Liferay. I want that Liferay and Alfresco run on different systems. Please suggest..

Alfresco for multiple web sites?

Hi all,I have a chance to use alfresco for both WCM and CM for a big network of web sites, so there I need to know how could I host those without having one instance for each site.Another topic is if Alfresco can be used separately from a portal (e.g...

alex_bcn by Champ in-the-making
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Uploading docs with CIFS, dont populate title, desc and auth

Hi everyone.Im uploading documents to my space with CIFS, but when I see the detail of the document, I dont have the metadata Title, Description and Author FILLED for the information of the field. Why?Its supose to extract the information automatical...

jhpe by Champ in-the-making
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Email Records Management from Rivet Logic and my:sop

I installed the Rivet Logic email records management add in according to  the readme ; '>alfresco forge : install Rivet Logic's email contentmodel in Alfresco, copy the following files from "\alfres...

janvg by Champ in-the-making
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Sending Log-in/Password to New Users via E-mail?

Hi there,I work for a small company that just started using Alfresco, and I've been asked to do some basic user configurations. I find myself spending a good deal of time writing e-mails to people to give them their newly configured log-in credential...

mschwartz by Champ in-the-making
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Problems with Record Management

Hello everyone,I am trying to get record management to work with my alfresco.war onFedora Core 6 Linux (I have alfresco 2.1 latest release working)I did the following.1. Downloaded the alfresco-recordsmanagement-2.1.0.amp2. Downloaded mmt - alfresco-...

hema by Champ in-the-making
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Je suis novice avec alfresco, l'installation sous...

Bonjour,Je suis novice avec alfresco, l'installation sous linux par défaut se passe super bien, mais la suite se complique. Je voudrais le couplé avec mon Active Directory et mon NAS en partage SMB, j'ai suivi tout ce que j'ai pu trouvé sur le net…ma...

copyme by Champ in-the-making
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404 related files for webscripts.

Hi,I am a newbie, i looked at a couple of examples for creating webscripts and i could see that… in the .js file we declare this:if (folder == undefined || !folder.isContainer){   status.code = 404;   status.message = "Folder " + url.extension + " no...

explorer by Champ in-the-making
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Syntax to access bpm:authorityName property in dashlet?

I am wanting to customize the tasks-active-dashlet to add a column to display the name of the bpmooledActors for the tasks that have not yet been assigned an owner.I am stuck on the syntax to access the actual usr:authorityName property within the JS...

jdbrown by Champ in-the-making
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Language doesn't change

Hi guys,I am adding a new language and I translated *.properties into * and I modified the web-client-config-custom.xml.but when I restart the server and choose the AR language I am having english language instead of what I translate...

charbel by Champ in-the-making
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