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Forum Posts

Bonjour a tous !Est'il aujourd'hui de faire des...

Bonjour a tous !Est'il aujourd'hui de faire des liens entre les dossiers sous alfresco comme on le ferai avec la commande ln sous linux .Par exemple :/Aflresco/liste dossiers/Affaire1Et lié Affaire1 à /alfresco/Affaire en cours/Affaire1 Merci beauco...

ldsteph by Champ in-the-making
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Je souhaite utiliser l'api http et les webscripts...

Je souhaite utiliser l'api http et les webscripts pour intégrer alfresco dans une autre application web. L'application en question connait l'identifiant de l'utilisateur alftresco mais pas son mot de passe. Est-ce que vous pensez qu'il est possible d...

alexist by Champ in-the-making
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Hi,I want to use lucene query to search content from alfresco.Can anybody give me some input for learning lucene?If you share any example queries, it will be very helpful.Thanks in advance…Ponson

ponson by Champ in-the-making
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Dynamic Content model

To add a custom model (custom meta datas) we have to add some xml file,  register it and deploy (stop/start) the Alfreco application.Is it possible to do this at runtime? Basically I want to give the end user (not all of course) an administration con...

abrugger by Champ in-the-making
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Expose Alfresco service bean with Spring remote

Hi,I'm trying to find a solution to build a new webapp next to the Alfresco one (or even on another server) and I was wondering if someone already tried to expose the alfresco service beans via the Spring RMI remoting feature. Indeed, for me those be...

pcuvecle by Champ in-the-making
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Vote for Quota management on Alfresco / Space storage limits

Given the number of qualities I found in Alfresco, I was really surprised to learn that there is no current schedule for a quota system to be integrated into Alfresco. I've seen some other users interested in the subject, and in the hope to raise the...

pvk by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS 'phantom files' problem

During daily usage my colleague Dave made the following observation regarding CIFS. It is a repeatable, but random problem. We end up in a situation where files are visible in CIFS but not they actually do not exist anymore. Access via CIFS is not po...

fschnell by Champ in-the-making
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HELP :-)

Hi,Is there a way to get NODE ID by it's path , ie:input: /PATH/TO/DIR123/FILE.DOCoutput: 282af6f5-508c-11dc-800c-d5564c95a581

testingit by Champ in-the-making
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freemarker attempt, recover ... UnexpectedRollbackException

I am trying to use freemarker's attempt, recovereven after dumbing my attempt recover code in a dashlet template to just:          <#attempt>            ok          <#recover>            foo          </#attempt>‍‍‍‍‍it's throwing this error javax.fac...

stk137 by Champ in-the-making
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