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How to display 'content type'?

Hello,I have created my custom content model and exposed most of properties in UI. But I lost "Content Type" and "Encoding" as displayed as Alfresco cm:content.How can I modify in order to edit "Content Type" and "Encoding" for my custom content mode...

llin by Champ in-the-making
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Création d'une action pour Workflow Avancé [Résolu]

J'essaie de récuperer les informations relatives au document sur lequel j'ai lancé un Workflow de validation avancé.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process-definition xmlns="" name="wf:LPRvalidation">     <swimlane name="i...

huberd by Champ in-the-making
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Récupération de path [Résolu]

Bonjour,Lorsque je récupère un path avec la fonction suivante ocPath = nodeService.getPath(childRef).toString();‍j'obtiens le path sous le format suivant :/{}company_home/{

huberd by Champ in-the-making
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Integrity Check problem when adding a node?

Can someone please help me understand what's going on here?  Why does this:        obj.addAspect("app:configurable");        obj = obj.createNode("app:configurations", "app:configurations", "app:configurations");‍‍‍produce this error:Invalid property...

blatwurst by Champ in-the-making
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Using Java to manage LIST constraints...

How do i retrieve the values of the LIST in Java… I have the following:<constraints>        <constraint name="dwr:sectorList" type="LIST">            <parameter name="allowedValues">                <list>                    <value>Consumer Discretion...

wagon13 by Champ in-the-making
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j'aurais besoin d'altérer le comportement de CheckInOut...

Bonjour,j'aurais besoin d'altérer le comportement de CheckInOut (la DesktopAction, visible via CIFS sous forme de .exe) pour lui faire faire ses Copies de travail dans un autre espace que le courrant (p.ex. dans l'espace de l'utilisateur). J'hésite e...

[SOLVED] IDEALX encryption plug-in install

We're trying to install the IDEALX encryption plug-in.We think we have it installed correctly. When we go to set a rule on a space, we see the option "Crypt content". However, when we select this option and click "Next" we get this error:javax.faces....

drlocke97 by Champ in-the-making
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Document with more 'content'

Hi!I hope someone could help me.We have a need for our business : a document with two "content", say content A and content B. These contents must be changed from two different users without cross modifying each other. So pace A : User A create conten...

anda65 by Champ in-the-making
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Templates and rules

I created a rule in a space template which transform a doc file to a PDF file and move it to a different folder. but this rule does not work when I created a new space based on this template.Can I have rules such as this in templates?eran

eranw by Champ in-the-making
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How to purge the contents

Hello everybody!!!I'm developming an Alfresco web service's module but I had a weird issue…Don't matter if I remove the repo content, Alfresco doesn't purge the space in the hard disk and it's increasing the Mb on hard disk all time.How purge deleted...

okto by Champ in-the-making
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