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Forum Posts

WebScript for update file content with a .doc converted file

hi, all!I´m trying to update the content of an existing HTML file in Alfresco with a new converted file content. The new content should come from a .doc->HTML  file convertion. All this should happen with a webScript.I cannot just delete the curre...

weggyboy by Champ in-the-making
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Enabling/installing WCM on JBoss (Portal)

Hi there - one more question. How can I (or where can I find some how-to explaining this topic) add Alfresco Web Content Management to Alfresco deployment on the JBoss Portal?I would greatly appreciate any assistance

wciesiel by Champ in-the-making
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Integrating Active Directory with Alfresco 2.0 on Linux

What are my options for getting this to work?  I don't really want to use CIFS because it isn't secure.  .htccess won't work because it doesn't authenticate on the web front end (within the Java app itself).  Is there an easy and secure way to tie th...

armyranger by Champ in-the-making
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ApplicationModel NoClassDefFoundError

Alfresco,I'm trying to implement my own bean that looks very similar as the SimpleWorkflow one. It should move a document when the action is triggered. Here is a part of the code:final NodeRef docNodeRef = new NodeRef(Repository.getStoreRef(), id);No...

simon by Champ in-the-making
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Récupération du type de contenu (type de document) [Résolu]

Bonjour, Je recherche la fonction, si elle existe me permettant de récupérer l'extension associé à un Mime Type.A ce jour j'arrive à récuperer le Mime Type d'un contenu grâce à la fonction suivante tring contentMimeType = this.contentService.getWrite...

huberd by Champ in-the-making
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scheduled job admin

I've wrote a JavaScript that browses trough spaces and do something with the files within it. When I execute the script in the web client, everything works fine.When I'm running it as a scheduled job(as an admin user), it seems alfresco don't recogni...

xerox by Champ in-the-making
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Création d'espace [Résolu]

Bonjour,Je cherche la fonction java me permettant de créer des espaces (Répertoires). Mon objectif, faire créer une arborescence automatiquement par une application Java.Merci pour votre aide

huberd by Champ in-the-making
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mon arbre ldap est configuré de la façon suivante...

Bonjour,mon arbre ldap est configuré de la façon suivante et donc mes utilisateurs sont réparties dans 4 OU:                                                   o=ORG                             /                  /                                     ...

stephpab by Champ in-the-making
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'Couldn't find bootstrap model' error - Everything

Hi everybody,I'm trying to deploy a custom jBPM workflow following the guides found in documentation and in this forum but when I started JBOSS the following exception is thrownCaused by: org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.DictionaryException: Could...

bfontana by Champ in-the-making
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Configuring Alfresco with LDAP authentication

Hi, have try searching on using alfresco with LDAP authentication but there is too much information to digest.Can someone point me to a simple guide/how to, step by step guide on configuring alfresco with ldap authentication?Using Alfresco 2.1 Enterp...

predatorz by Champ in-the-making
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